R And S5/4.5e. S And SN (NGC 224). W And S7.5/1-e. X And S5/7-e. Z And The light curve is characterized by outbursts up to 4m with intervals of 10 - 20 years. In the intervals cyclic variations are observed with the mean period of 632d and variations with cycles of several days and Delta(m) ~ 0.1m - 0.5m. The spectrum is symbiotic, with features of a late M giant, narrow low-excitation emission lines (Bleq) and forbidden lines characteristic of highly excited nebulae. RR And S6/3.5e. RT And Min II 8.88; DI = DII = 0.17P; dI = dII = 0.00. P var. Nonlinear term: -6.33*10**(-11)*E**2. During JD2433477 - 43878 linear elements are satisfactory: Min = 2441141.8888 + 0.62892984d*E. Period changes according to a sine law are possible [08002]. RU And P var. Max = 2419857 + 243.0d*E (JD2412800 - 20000); Max = 2434551 + 233.24d*E (JD2420000 - 34550). Since JD2435000 - see Table. Delta(m) ~ 4m - 5m (before JD2429600), ~1m (JD2429600 ~ 33600), up to 3m (JD ~2436000), ~1.5m (JD ~2436700). In 1970 - 1972 showed quite irregular variations. RX And SB (P = 0.21173d). Cyclic variations with P ~ 38s - 54s were observed after a normal maximum; after a short maximum no periodicity was found [08004]. SS And Two long period variations are also observed: P = 650d, P = 3800d. ST And P var. Max = 2418370 + 337.3d*E (JD2418000 - 28000). Since JD2428000 - see Table. SU And VB A (B 12.77m V, F0V:, 15"). SV And The magnitude in Max varies periodically, P = 930d, P = 5400d? [02146]. SW And [Fe/H] = +0.16. P var. Nonlinear term: -1.229d*10**(-10)*E**2 [01959]. Since 1959 Max = 2436466.828 + 0.442270121d*E [06929]. The shape of the light curve varies with Pi ~36.83d = 83.28 P. The deviations (O - C) satisfy the elements of Blazhko effect Max(O - C) = 2436816.23 + 36.921d*N. Secular trend and cyclic (P ~2a) variations of (O - C) are possible [08005]. SY And d = 0.027P. TT And Min II 11.6? TU And P var (Pi ~37a?). TV And P var? Delta(m) strongly varies. TW And d = 0.020P. Min II 8.94. P var. Min = 2428845.422 + 4.122739d*E (JD2420050 - 32000). Since JD2432000 - see Table. TZ And P1 = 118d: [00882]. Mean magnitude varies with P2 = 974d [00098]. P = 135d (JD2437545 - 38377) [03367]. UU And P var. Min = 2428832.536 + 1.486311d*E (JD2421455 - 23740) [02262]; Min = 2428832.465 + 1.48629d*E (JD2428830 - 35012) [00745]. Since JD2441100 - see Table. UW And P var. Before JD2430000 Max = 2418585 + 236.7d*E. Since JD2436000 - see Table. WW And d = 0.012P. WX And P var. Max = 2422613.614 + 3.0012544d*E (JD2422610 - 34712) [01240]. The Table gives current elements. d = 0.03P in 1972 and probably varies. WZ And Min II 11.9. P var [02262]. Min = 2435075.342 + 0.695662d*E (before JD2440500); probably Min = 2440872.290 + 0.6956576d*E since JD2440500. The elements in the Table represent all the observations satisfactorily. XX And P var. Max = 2418001.938 + 0.7227486d*E (1908 - 1932); Max = 2427106.403 + 0.7227591d*E (1932 - 1946) [02264]. Since 1946 - see Table. Delta(S) = 9. Blazhko effect: Max = 2437578 + 36d*N [03111]. XY And Blazhko effect is possible. XZ And Min II 10.16; DII = 0.26P. P var [02431, 06932, 08008, 08593]. Min = 2432883.6046 + 1.3572708d*E (JD2431700 - 36150) [01977]; Min = 2441954.340 + 1.357293d*E (since JD2436200). The elements in the Table represent all the observations satisfactorily. AA And Min II 10.5. AB And Min II 10.20. P var. Period increased suddenly in 1953 ( ~JD2434500); no period changes later [02509, 05222]. Elements since 1953 - see Table. AC And Unusual multiperiodical variable. Second oscillation: Max = 2432467.373 + 0.71124243d*E; P3 = 0.421069d [08187], see also [08294, 08295]. Delta(S) = -1:. AD And Min II 11.6. Depth of minima in yellow light: 0.62m (Min I), 0.58m (Min II) [03141]. Min II - Min I = 0.494P. P var. Min = 2428718.402 + 0.9861940d*E (JD2417460 - 29640) [01983]. Since JD2428700 - see Table. AE And In the M31 galaxy. Strong UV continuum. Emissions: H, He I, Fe II, [Fe II]. AF And In the M31 galaxy. Strong UV continuum. Emissions: H, He I, Fe II, [Fe II]. AG And According to [08296], DSCT:, Min = 2442636.5868 + 0.0347d*E, A = 0.5m. AM And VB A (B 0.25' S). AN And Min II 6.09. The existence of the third body in the system is possible. Sp(Met) = F2 - F5. AP And Min II 11.9. The period may be 2 times shorter. AT And B - V: +0.42, +0.56. Delta(S) = 3. See [08299] for data on period variations and a detailed study. BD And Min II 11.4. BE And Average cycle: 137d [01993, 02267]; 156.8d after JD2431700. BL And Depth of Min II 0.24m: P var? Min I = 2429491.255 + 0.7223779d*E (JD2415800 - 33900) [01995]. Since JD2433900 - see Table. BX And ADS 1671 A (B 9.7m, 20", 59deg). Min II 9.15. Possible period change from 0.61011222d to 0.61011534d (~1952). On the period changes see also [08657]. BY And According to [08658], SRB:. CC And Possibly in a binary with Porb = 10.469d. Delta(m) and the light curve shape vary with a period 5.23714d or 10.469d [08016]. According to [03120], 4 periods are present: P2 = 0.0632083d. First overtone was not found. Other periods are resonances. CG And P var: 3.7430d (1950), 3.7394d (1963) [05224]. Cyclic period changes are possible. According to [06941], short period oscillations (P = 2h 04m) are present. A number of observers do not find short-term variability. CM And According to [00821], Max = 2428380 + 140d*E and Max = 2430616 + 124d*E, and the star resembles UU Her. CN And Min II 9.96. CO And d = 0.06P: CP And d = 0.01P? Depth of Min II 0.05m? CU And d > 0.034P ([06943], according to visual observations.) DI And DCEP? [03165]. DK And EW? DL And In the field of the open cluster NGC 7686. DR And P var. Before ~JD2437000 Max = 2436078.384 + 0.5630609d*E [02275]; then P changed abruptly. Delta(m) changes by ~0.3m, Max A1 = 2436078.8 + 69.486d*N1, Max A2 = 2437646.65 + 69.719d*N2. Other possible cycles are 2000d (interaction of cycles N1 and N2) and ~30 years [08019]. DS And In the field of the open cluster NGC 752. Min II 10.7. DZ And According to [04008], type RCB, spectrum R. According to [06945], since 1961 is in Max light all the time. According to [06946], the spectrum is not characteristic of RCB stars. According to [08660], the star was bright near the moments of Min light given in [04008]. EG And P = 40d or 80d [08020]. Absorption spectrum with overlaying emissions of high excitation [04434, 08598]. Strong variable magnetic field [04435]. Long period variations of light are observed. Radial velocities profiles and equivalent widths of lines vary with P = 470d [08596] (SB? [08597]). Possibly is analogous to HM Sge [08598]. EH And IR excess. The presence of a dust envelope is possible. EO And Very red. EP And Min II 12.5. ET And Delta(B) = 0.035m, Delta(U) = 0.07m. The Table gives the epoch of Max light. Observations may be represented by the periods 0.723d and 1.61553d [08022, 07946]. According to [08023], in June - December 1977 Min = 2443337.4725 + 0.49925d*E, other periods are not satisfied by observations. According to [08599], Max(U) = 2439751.28 + 0.617135d*E (1967 - 1971). SB, Max(Vr) = JD2443718.0 + 48.304d*E [08301]. Photometric periods could not be found in radial velocities. EX And Possible Min II 13.0:, Min II - Min I = 0.55P. EY And I - K = 5.38; the presence of a dust envelope is possible [06947]. FF And 10.35m - 10.42m V outside flares; M - m = 0.50P. Porb = 2.170304d [08024]. According to photometric observations, P = 2.14d (1971), P = 2.15d (1972), P = 2.19d (1973) [06948]. FG And According to [04156], EA; Min = 2436074.528 + 0.99772d*E. FL And d = 0.02P. FZ And mu = 1", p = 64deg. GK And Min II 11.5. GN And ADS 409 A (B 13.3m, 2", 6deg; C 11.6m, 141", 130deg). Different authors give spectral types F0 III, F2V, Am (probably based on different criteria). GP And Delta(m) changes with P2 = 0.64d. A wave with P3 = 0.012161d is present. The mean magnitude and the shape of the light curve vary [08302]. GQ And ADS 246 B (A = GX And; B 37", 61deg). B - V = +1.80. X-ray source. GR And Min (magnet.field) = 2442288 + 525d*E. Magnetic field varies (-250 to -1030 Gauss). Period of changes of C1 is near 1.5 years [07893]. According to [06257], period of changes in u is near 1 year or longer. GS And B - V = +1.7 in normal light. GX And ADS 246 A (B = GQ And, 37", 61deg). Delta(U) = 0.55m. SB? (conflicting data). GY And SB1 (P = 273.2d [07324], P = 272.99d [08303]). For spectral changes, variations of light and magnetic field it is possible that P = 23a [07004] or 20.60a [08303]. [08022] gives P ~36.5d and Delta(V) ~0.049m. Periods 4.92a and 1.8d may exist [08303]. GZ And B - V: +0.77, +0.82. ADS 1693 A (B 11.13m, 8", 31deg). Min II 11.58. P var? The period is based only on Minima I [06830] and was improved with account of recent data. HH And Subdwarf? [06581]. mu = 1.82", p = 176deg. HI And B - V = 1.8m outside flares. HN And Max(U) = 2438327.8 + 69.433d*E [08022]. SB (P = 106.27d [07435]). HQ And According to [08659], a probable cataclysmic binary; similarity to AM Her and AN UMa is noted. HR And d = 0.05P. HT And B - V = +0.60. In the region of M 31. HU And Min II 17.2. In the region of M 31. HV And According to [08659], a probable cataclysmic binary; similarity to AM Her and AN UMa is noted. HY And In the region of M 31. HZ And In the region of M 31. P > 100d. Red. IL And d = 0.02P. IM And In the region of M 31.8. IO And According to [08659], a probable cataclysmic binary; similarity to AM Her and AN UMa is noted. IP And d = 0.02P:. KK And The light curve has double-wave shape [07740]. Long period variations were found [07955]. KU And I - K = 4.63. SR type is possible. Surrounded with a dust envelope [08029]. KX And SB2 (P = 38.908d). KZ And ADS 16557 B (A 7.0m; B 15", 254). LM And Min II 12.7. LN And Delta(B) = 0.025. LO And Min II 11.82. V0369 And VB (0".1, 128 deg, 1986.9). V0374 And Not identical with BD+44 422. alf And SB (P = 96.6960d). VB A (B 11.2m, 80"). Epoch of Max U light is given. Hbeta index varies in the range of ~0.02m with P ~3h [08030]. Rapid rotation. zet And Depth of Min II 0.1m. SB. Unstable light curve. Most notable variations on the rising branch of Max II [08030]. Many peculiarities in the spectrum. lam And SB1 (P = 20.52d). omi And v sin i = 300 km/s; VB(0.3"; possibly also 0.05" - according to speckle-interferometric data). Shell spectrum appeared and disappeared several times since 1890. Different authors attributed the star to EB type. According to [05955], The changes of light may be explained also by intrinsic variations of a single shell star. They are represented by elements: Min I = 2439470.628 + 1.0185d*E. According to [02572], Min I = 2436174.430 + 1.5998398d*E. The periodogram analysis shows a stable peak at P ~0.84d [08032]. A possible shell event was observed late in 1975. S Ant Min II 6.87. P var? T Ant CWB? P var. [A/H] = -0.0. P = 5.9098d (JD2428187 - 34688), P = 5.8976d (JD2434688 - 37660) [05387]. The Table gives mean elements which satisfy all observations well enough. V Ant OH, H2O maser. Z Ant Mean brightness varies with P = 1143d. SW Ant Min II 14.6. UZ Ant P var? WY Ant P var. P = 0.57430871d (JD2414000 - 22070); P = 0.57431618d (JD2422070 - 25600); P = 0.57431216d (JD2425600 - 29000) [01113]. (k - b)2 = 0.00. WZ Ant Min II 11.8. XX Ant Min II 9.1. XY Ant Depth of Min II 0.3m - 0.5m pg. XZ Ant Min II 10.2. Z Aps Possibly also an eclipsing binary. RT Aps Strong variations of period and the shape of the light curve [06152]. TY Aps Delta(S) = 3. YY Aps The period is probably long. AF Aps Min II 13.9. AN Aps Min II 12.8. AP Aps Min II 15.5. AS Aps Min II 13.8. AV Aps Depth of Min II 0.05m. CE Aps P = 209d or 261d. CY Aps Min II 13.0. EF Aps Min II 12.6. FY Aps Deep Min II. GK Aps Min II 13.9. RRC type is possible. GO Aps Min II 14.8. RR type is possible. GQ Aps Min II 14.8. GU Aps Min II 14.5. GX Aps RV type is not excluded. The epoch of Min is given. GY Aps Min II 14.2. HL Aps Min II 12.6. HO Aps Min II 13.7. HT Aps Min II 14.3. HV Aps Epoch of Min is given. HX Aps Min II 14.4. II Aps Min II 11.6. IL Aps Epoch of Min is given. IO Aps Min II 12.4. IR Aps Min II 13.8. IU Aps Min II 14.6. IY Aps Min II 12.9. KN Aps d ~0.03P. KR Aps Possibly a slow eclipsing variable. KT Aps Min II 15.2. KV Aps Min II 13.6. KZ Aps Smooth light changes with superimposed variations of eclipsing nature, with minima on JD2436729 and 2436808. LM Aps RV type is possible. LN Aps Min II 13.3. LO Aps Min II 11.5. MY Aps L19-2. P0 = 192.75s, P1 = 113.77s. del 1 Aps In a wide pair (delta2 Aps, 100", common mu). kap 1 Aps SB? VB A (B 11.27m V, 27"). R Aqr Symbiotic spectrum. Emissions of H, SII, OIII, FeII, NeIII, OII. Variable radio source. SiO maser. The secondary may be an accreting white dwarf. The star is embedded in an expanding gaseous nebula several hundred years old. A cycle ~24a and longer-term variations are possible in the changes of radial velocities and period. U Aqr Strong bands of 12C2, CN, lines of SrII, YII in the spectrum; hydrogen deficiency. A probable halo star (Vr ~100 km/s.). Z Aqr 1969 - 70: P = 100d +- [05973]. RY Aqr P var. Min = 2433872.352 + 1.966598d*E (before JD2428000); Min = 2440824.410 + 1.966620d*E (JD2428000 - 41000); Min = 2440824.410 + 1.966611d*E (JD2441000 - 43800). Since JD2443800 P = 1.966554d? The Table gives elements representing observations after JD2428000 with the accuracy +-0.1d. ST Aqr Min II 9.37. P var. Min = 2423640.271 + 0.78101367d*E (JD2423500 - 26000) [02037]. Since JD2439700 - see Table. SU Aqr ADS 16318 A (B 10.7m, 5", 144deg). Min II 10.5. P var? SV Aqr Cycle 200 - 300d is possible. SW Aqr P var. (k - b)2 = 0.01. SX Aqr P var? Delta(S) = 9. SZ Aqr Epoch of Min is given. TT Aqr VB A (B 15m, 3", 135deg). TZ Aqr Delta(S) = 5. VY Aqr Second outburst: Max ~JD2437897 (1962), ~9m pg [03129]. WX Aqr Blazhko effect is possible. XZ Aqr P var. Before JD2437913 P = 2.059187d. YZ Aqr B - V = 0.49 (in Min). (k - b)2 = 0.06. Small fluctuations of period are possible. AE Aqr Unusual flare X-ray system with pulsar. Becomes bluer in Max. In Min B - V = +0.92. Shows rapid irregular variations, which differ it from UV stars and UG system, though the spectra are somewhat similar. Simultaneous photoelectric and spectroscopic observations [03131] show the existence of two types of flares: 1) intensification of emission lines accompanied by brightening in U and B; 2) intensification of continuum leading to brightening in U, B and V ("white flare"). Detailed spectroscopic investigation [01971]. Porb = 0.41165794d + 1.12*10**(-10)*E, The epoch T0 = JD2439030.621 [08672]. In the X-ray band (0.1 - 4.0 keV) pulsations with P = 33.0767s are observed [08673]. In the optical range pulsations with P0 = 33.076737s as well as with P1 = 16.5s were noted [08674, 08675]. AT Aqr Min II 14.7. AX Aqr P var. Before ~JD2427367 Max = 2425417.60 + 0.388135d*E [03113]. AY Aqr Min II 14.3. BH Aqr P var. Before ~JD2431150 Max = 2426948.411 + 0.5258022d*E [03113]. BI Aqr Min II 13.1. BK Aqr Close companion. BL Aqr Waves from 80 to 125d. Mean magnitude changes with cycles from 480 to 700d in the range of 0.3m - 0.6m. BM Aqr The mean magnitude may vary with P = 500 - 600d. BN Aqr Delta(S) = 4:. P var. Before JD2428964 Max = 2426577.901 + 0.46963401d*E [03113]. According to [05391] Max = 2429395.742 + 0.4696410d*E + 3.3*10**(-10)*E**2 (1898 - 1958). BO Aqr P var? (k - b)2 = 0.01. BQ Aqr d = 0.07P. BR Aqr P var? (k - b)2 = 0.16. BS Aqr Delta(S) = 0. P var? BT Aqr B - V: +0.14, +0.52. P var. Blazhko effect. BV Aqr P var. Blazhko effect with Pi = 11.56d and variations of light in Max up to 0.75A. BW Aqr d = 0.01P. Min II 10.8. Min II - Min I = 0.484P. Jensch [00189] considers the secondary Min to be the main one. BX Aqr d = 0.027P. CD Aqr d = 0.012P. Min II 10.2. CE Aqr According to [02548], no variations were found in visual observations during several months in 1954 - 1958. According to [03138], the star may be analogous to AI Vel; P = 0.16d? CH Aqr P var? CI Aqr Period may be twice as long. CM Aqr Min II 13.6. CP Aqr Delta(S) = 3. CR Aqr Min II 14.2. CV Aqr Minor planet (52) Europa. CW Aqr Min II 10.8. CX Aqr Min II 10.8. Broad hydrogen lines. CY Aqr Delta(S) = 2. P var; abrupt change ~1952. Before JD2434000 Max = 2434308.4314 + 0.061038509d*E. The shape of the light curve probably varies. For M - m different authors give values from 0.23p to 0.40p. Beat phenomenon with P2 = 0.2182d is possible [08060]. CZ Aqr Min II 11.1. Cyclic variations of period? DD Aqr Min II 11.2. DN Aqr (k - b)2 = 0.01. DO Aqr P var. DS Aqr P var. DV Aqr Min II 6.1. SB. In [08061] variations were noted with Delta(m) ~0.1m and P < 3h, presumably of DSCT type nature. Some sources give A3 for the spectral type. Shell spectrum was observed in May, 1975. Spectral lines were filled with emission and therefore weak, strong absorption in H and K CaII lines was present. Shell effects were not present in the spectra taken in 1971 - 1973 [08062]. DX Aqr VB B (A 7.0m, K0III; B 3.7", 244deg). SB1. d ~0.015P. Depth of Min II ~0.3m. The range of combined brightness is given. DY Aqr d = 0.04P. EE Aqr Min II 8.48. EK Aqr Min II 11.23. EL Aqr P = 0.6345d is possible. EM Aqr According to [06204] P = 0.068d. Period and amplitude vary on very short time scale. Light and colour vary approximately in phase. The beat period, if exists, is shorter than 1d. ET Aqr Period is given according to [08336]. EW Aqr Delta(m) varies. FF Aqr d = 0.059P. SB1. The unique eclipsing system of a red star and probably a blue hot subdwarf. The amplitude of the eclipse is 0.15V, 0.4B, 1.2U. The magnitude in Max varies by 0.35V, 0.33B, 0.22U. Variable shape of light curve. Strong emissions H and K CaII, Halpha in the spectrum. FI Aqr Possibly P = 4.659d or 4.719d. Epoch of min is given. FK Aqr BDS 11854 A (B = FL Aqr, 11.45m, 24", 352deg, 1966). mu alpha = +0.455", mu delta = -0.067". SB2 (P = 4.08322d [00313]). Flares Delta(U) = 0.7 [00344]. FL Aqr BDS 11854 B (A = FK Aqr; B 24", 352deg, 1966). KV Aqr One deep fading overlapping a brightening trend. omi Aqr Shell or disk spectrum is observed. pi Aqr The brightness increased by ~0.2m V in 1957 - 1975, the star became redder. Balmer continuum in emission. Rapid changes in emission lines and in polarization. Existence of a disk or a shell is possible. R Aql P var. Max = 2440038 + 297d*E (JD2427850 - 40000). Since JD2440000 - see Table. For the whole observed period Max = 2399190 + 346.932d*n - 0.239303d*n**2; Pn = 348.980d - 0.554202d*n + 0.000552309d*n**2 [03143]. H2O, OH and SiO maser. Radiobursts. U Aql B - V: +0.84, +1.24. P var. ADS 12503 A (B 14.00m, 35", 349deg, 1900; one more companion 11.7m V, 2", 230deg, 1934). W Aql S 6/6e. Composite spectrum near Min light; a companion (F5 - F8) may exist [03502]. Y Aql Depth of Min II 0.03m. SB1. RR Aql Maser H2O, OH, SiO. RT Aql Maser H20, OH, SiO. SY Aql Maser H2O, OH. SZ Aql B - V: +1.04, +1.82. P var [02392]. Before JD2420260 P = 17.1359d. Current elements - see Table. TT Aql B - V: +0.96, +1.62. P var. [02392]. Before JD2418035 P = 13.7518d. Current elements - see Table. TV Aql P var (changed at ~JD2430000). Before JD2430000 Max = 2429730 + 237.9d*E. TW Aql Cycles 65d or 95d are observed during different time intervals [08714]. UU Aql Mean cycle: 71.3d [04063]; 56d [03144]. UY Aql Cyclic changes of light (P ~400d) with superimposed very rapid variations are noted in [00504]. VX Aql SC5-/8e. According to [04231], the variable is irregular. Lithium star. VZ Aql B - V: +0.61, +1.01. XZ Aql P var. Min = 2424449.277 + 2.139147d*E (JD2424380 - 2430300). Since JD2433000 - see Table. YZ Aql d = 0.03P. P var. AA Aql Delta(S) = 1.0. AC Aql P var. AD Aql CN bands are observed in the spectrum. According to [06928], the range is 8.83 - 13.42 V. AE Aql VB A (B 16.6m, 12", 330deg; C 16.9m, 11", 0deg). The combined light of A, B, C varies in the range 13.9 - 15.8. AF Aql The period may be two times shorter. AL Aql d = 0.04P. AU Aql According to [03146], P = 190d or 380d. BL Aql P var. Max = 2418538 + 159.65d*E (JD2418529 - 29075). During JD2436420 - 38940 - see Table. BY Aql P var? CD Aql Close companion? CL Aql Sometimes maxima predicted according to the elements do not occur. CM Aql Symbiotic spectrum similar to that of Z And [03149]. CR Aql Considerable Blazhko effect is possible. CS Aql Close companion? CT Aql According to [06004], only slow irregular variations with Delta(m) ~0.6 were observed in 1963 - 1968. CU Aql P var? (Possible change ~JD2423000). Earlier Max = 2418591 + 203.7d*E. CV Aql P var? CW Aql Close companion? DD Aql Close companion? DT Aql P var (Change ~JD2425000). Earlier Max = 2423964 + 290.5d*E. DY Aql P var [06107]. EV Aql P var. Before JD2423900 P = 38.67d. [A/H] = -0.3. EX Aql P = 117d is also observed. EZ Aql P var [06107]. FF Aql ADS 11884 A (B 10.37m, 7", 141deg). SB1 (P = 1435d). FG Aql At the edge of the dark nebula Barnard 130. May be a physical pair with FH Aql (rho ~20"). According to [00504], the mean cycle of light variations is 3.5d. The level of mean light varies. FH Aql At the edge of the dark nebula Barnard 130. May be a physical pair with FG Aql (rho ~ 20"). According to [00504], the mean cycle of light variations is 3.44d. FK Aql Depth of Min II 0.03m. P var. FM Aql B - V: +1.12, +1.50. FN Aql B - V: +1.10, +1.39. P var. FZ Aql VB A (B 11.5m, 14", 162deg). GM Aql UV type is possible [00504]. GU Aql d = 0.02P. GV Aql Nova-like star according to [02089]. GY Aql Maser OH, SiO. HK Aql Type ISB is not excluded. HL Aql P var? The 15m star shown in the charts [02274, 06996] with co-ordinates coincident with those given at the discovery is constant according to [02274]. IM Aql P var. Before JD2432772 Max = 2428064.707 + 0.4569602d*E. IO Aql VB A (B = IP Aql, 30", 101deg). IP Aql VB B (A = IO Aql). IS Aql Close companion. KL Aql B - V: +0.78, +1.19, [A/H] = 0.6. KO Aql d = 0.018P. Min II 8.40. P var. Min = 2427550.565 + 2.863859d*E (JD2426250 - 33000) [02462]; Min = 2433888.366 + 2.863954d*E (JD2433000 - 39000). current elements - see Table. KP Aql Min II 10.43; Min II - Min I = 0.50P; DII = DI. KV Aql During JD2429130 - 31370 - see Table. During JD2428308 - 28433 the star was faint. Max 2436015 also is not satisfied by the elements. LU Aql In [03158] P = 102d is given, and the existence of the variation of mean magnitude with P ~1080d and Delta(m) = 0.4m was suspected. MV Aql Close component, the range is given for combined light. NN Aql Cyclic P variations? NV Aql Variations of mean light with P ~ 900d - 1000d and Delta(m) ~0.6m. OO Aql Min II 9.8. P var. Min I = 2426892.0582 + 0.5067954d*E (1932 - 1934), Min I = 2433925.3762 + 0.5067943d*E [08072]. Since JD2438000 - see Table. The shape of the light curve varies. OX Aql Var 2 in the chart for OW Aql. PP Aql [A/H] = -0.0. CWA type is not excluded. According to [03161] P var. Max = 2415229.15 + 24.0147d*E (JD2415228 - 21064), Max = 2426576.14 + 24.074d*E (JD2426576 - 29489). After JD2432040 Max = 2433141.78 + 23.994d*E. Current elements Max = 2436836.04 + 23.973d*E. PZ Aql P var? According to [05387], before JD2428075 P = 8.7555d; P = 8.7504d (JD2428075 - 34725); since JD2434725 P = 8.7573d. See also [02274]. Elements in the Table are satisfactory after JD2433150. The shape of the light curve apparently varies. QS Aql Min II 5.97. VB (A 6.5m; B 6.7m, 0.18", 137deg). P var. QV Aql The epoch of main Max is given. QY Aql d = 0.016P. P var? V0336 Aql B - V: +1.17, +1.55. V0337 Aql Min II 9.09. P var. The shape of the light curve varies. V0340 Aql d = 0.05P. P var. V0341 Aql P var. Delta(S) = 4. V0342 Aql ADS 12259 B (A 7.5m; B 20", 14deg); d = 0.032P. P increases (see also [02265, 04493]). Before JD2435600 Min = 2428023.550 + 3.390842d*E. Halpha emission observed at Max light [08074]. The shape of the light curve and d apparently vary. Delta(m) probably decreases [08075]. V0343 Aql Min II 10.7. V0346 Aql Min II 9.1. ADS 13438 A (B 11.3m, 2", 245deg). Elements in the Table are valid after JD2437000. The shape of Min I varies [07001]. V0348 Aql d ~0.08P. V0352 Aql The nucleus of the supposed planetary nebula P.K. 37-3.3deg. V0356 Aql VB A (B 0.2"). V0367 Aql The elements are satisfactory only during JD2436450 - 37960. Resembles S Vul. V0368 Aql VB A (B 0.17", 140deg). V0374 Aql VB A (B ~0.2', ~270deg). V0406 Aql Min II 13.3:. V0407 Aql P var; there is a nonlinear term in the elements: +1.51d*10**(-9)*E**2. V0409 Aql Min II 12.2. Spectral type from another publication is A2 - A3. V0411 Aql Epoch of Min is given. V0417 Aql Min II 11.5. P var. Before JD2439000: Min = 2428427.127 + 0.3701251d*E. V0421 Aql P var? V0423 Aql Elements are valid for JD2426900 - 28000. During JD2429020 - 31670 the waves are much longer or absent. V0433 Aql Waves of 26d - 80d duration with Delta(m) = 0.1m - 0.9m. The mean light varies according to the formula Max = 2438312 + 648d*E. V0449 Aql The star in [01091, 02282] is actually not identical to HV5424. V0461 Aql Close component ~15.5m, the range of combined light is given. V0467 Aql Waves of 40d - 72d duration. The mean light varies with P ~1400d. V0473 Aql P ~330d is sometimes observed. V0476 Aql EW type with doubled period is possible. Elements are based on a short series of observations. V0483 Aql In the field of the open cluster NGC 6709. V0486 Aql In the field of the open cluster NGC 6709. V0493 Aql B - V: +1.10, +1.38. V0495 Aql d = 0.06P:. V0496 Aql B - V: +1.07, +1.28. Elements are given for epochs after JD2428000. V0497 Aql VB A (B 16.5m, 9", ~0deg). V0524 Aql The variable is np from the star shown in the chart in [02317]. V0527 Aql IS type is possible. V0528 Aql VB A (B 16.5m, 11", 59deg). V0535 Aql VB [01943], two components are seen on Palomar prints, eastern of them being red. According to [01943], rapid variable. V0537 Aql Possible P = 200d. V0538 Aql Possible P = 375d. V0558 Aql Possible P = 187d. V0571 Aql Possible P = 185.5d. V0572 Aql B - V: +0.65, +0.87. P var. Before JD2435500 P ~3.7686d. See also [08637]. JD2433631.8421 + 0.716292d*E. See also [02124]. V0586 Aql Irregularities are sometimes observed, but then the periodicity is probably resumed. V0596 Aql Resembles S Vul. V0599 Aql Min II 6.73. According to [08083], may be constant. V0600 Aql B - V: +1.36, +1.70. Before JD2428000 another value of P is possible [08632]. V0602 Aql d = 0.02P. Min II 12.7. V0603 Aql SB (P = 0.13854d [03169]). Outside the outburst there are variations of light (eclipses) with Delta(m) = 0.30m, Min I = 2444401.399 + 0.1377d*E (D ~0.2P). The shape of the light curve and the depth of minima differ from cycle to cycle. The brightness in minima shows fluctuations apparently connected with the presence of a hot spot [04500]. V0605 Aql A unigue variable. 8" np from a 17m star. Min ~20m pg. Photographs of the field [06041, 06042]. The light curve resembles those of the SN in NGC 1058 or of eta Car [06040]. The only Max observed, with fluctuations, occured in 1918 - 1924. In 1921 the spectral type was found to be R [02464]. The star is inside the old planetary nebula A 58 and may be its nucleus. V0609 Aql Min II 11.9. V0615 Aql P var? Max = 2428046 + 364d*E (JD2428038 - 31343) [01091]. V0616 Aql d = 0.04P. Elements reguire verification. V0618 Aql Twice shorter period is not excluded. V0637 Aql Twice shorter period is not excluded. V0638 Aql Twice shorter period is not excluded. V0640 Aql Min II 12.8. V0647 Aql Slight Min II [01091]. V0663 Aql P = 194.5d is possible. V0666 Aql The range is given for combined magnitude with a preceding 16.5m star. Separately was found ~17m pg near Min. V0672 Aql P var? Blazhko effect is possible [03113]. V0678 Aql P var. Before JD2429723 Max = 2429723 + 120.6d*E. V0688 Aql Min II 10.8. DII = 0.15P. V0694 Aql d = 0.13P. VB (1"), a companion ~1m fainter than the variable [01881] may have affected the data given. V0699 Aql Min II 13.75. V0706 Aql Delta(S) = 0:. V0708 Aql P ~65d waves superimposed on slow variation of mean brightness with P ~1350d (JD2437124 - 40512) [06025]. According to [00773] waves with P ~100d - 150d (JD2427543 - 31318). V0714 Aql d = 0.05P. V0724 Aql Min II 11.57. V0733 Aql P var? Before JD2434500, possibly Max = 2434453.72 + 6.17687d*E [00001]. V0734 Aql VB A? (B 16.1m?). V0743 Aql White. SRD? V0755 Aql Alternative elements: Min = 2429195.290 + 1.01598d*E. V0765 Aql B - V: +0.70, +0.80. V0766 Aql EW type is not excluded. V0769 Aql d = 0.05P? V0770 Aql Min II 14.0. V0771 Aql According to [03165] UG. V0774 Aql Possibly resembles UV Boo. V0777 Aql P = 111.5d is possible. V0784 Aql Min II 14.8. V0794 Aql Rapid changes with Delta(m) up to 1.5m superimposed on slow ones. May belong to "polars" of XPRM type. Peculiar spectrum with broad emissions and blue continuum [08676]. V0800 Aql VB. According to [06072] UGZ. V0801 Aql VB A (B 15.1m sp). V0803 Aql Min II 14.8. V0804 Aql Min II 12.8. In Max B - V = +0.61. V0805 Aql Min II 7.90, DII = 0.11P. V0808 Aql Min II 13.3. V0812 Aql VB A (B 16m sp, C 16m sf). V0814 Aql VB A (B 16.5m sp). V0822 Aql Min II 7.07. ADS 12538 A (B 10.1m, 1", 67deg). The shape of the light curve varies.(U - B) index in Min I is redder and Min II is bluer than average. V0829 Aql Twice longer P is possible. V0836 Aql RR type is possible ([00085]; it is suggested also by the spectrum [08676]). V0850 Aql In the centre of the planetary nebula P.K. 37-6.2. V0866 Aql Min II 14.8. According to [06026], the depth of Min II 0.4m, EB type. V0867 Aql P var? V0871 Aql Min II 14.5, Min II - Min I = 0.425P. Physical changes in the range 13.3 - 13.6 are possible. Eclipses start from the 13.6m level. V0872 Aql Min II 15.7:. Apsidal motion is possible. V0873 Aql P var? The mean light varies in the range 13.8 - 14.0. V0875 Aql White. According to [06004], rapid. Possibly UGZ or IA. V0877 Aql VB A (B 16.5m nf). V0882 Aql Blazhko effect is possible. V0885 Aql Min II 14.9:. Apsidal motion and changes of the shape of the light curve are possible. V0888 Aql A possible member of the open cluster NGC 6738. V0889 Aql Min II 9.0. Min II - Min I = 0.35P. Apsidal motion is possible. V0890 Aql Nova Aql 1946 = asteroid N258 Tyche [09038]. V0891 Aql Min II 15.8. V0895 Aql P var. Max = 2430931.435 + 0.265108d*E (JD2426920 - 35010) [02267]. During JD2441890 - 42290 - see Table. V0907 Aql Min II 15.7. V0912 Aql The shape of the light curve varies. V0914 Aql P = 3.336217d is given in [08717] by misprint. V0919 Aql Min II 13.8. V0920 Aql F or earlier observations Max = 2429458.400 + 0.4955033d*E. V0922 Aql Elements are not quite reliable. V0923 Aql Unusual shell star [01884]. Similar to EW Lac. He lines are widened by the rotation, NaI lines are narrow. Light changes are periodic: Min = 2436458.66 + 0.8518d*E. The cause of variations is probably connected with the rotation and the inhomogeneous brightness distribution over the disk of the star [03178]. Profiles of spectral lines vary. The expansion of the envelope terminated in 1965, which apparently led to the development of inhomogeneities and to the broadening of hydrogen line profiles [04525]. V0925 Aql Some observers found constant brightness [03165]. V0929 Aql Short period. V0936 Aql Short period. V0947 Aql According to [05412], rapid irregular changes are not excluded. According to [00504], constant. V0955 Aql Min II 14.9, DII = 0.13P. V0956 Aql Min II 14.2. Elements need confirmation. V0957 Aql P var. Max = 2428154.960 + 0.6051327d*E (JD2421871 - 28105). V0958 Aql VB A (B 17.0m, 0.2' np; C slightly brighter, 0.1'f). Combined magnitude of A and C is given. V0964 Aql Min II 13.7. V0969 Aql Blazhko effect is possible. V0981 Aql Min II 14.5. V0991 Aql IS type is possible. V0992 Aql According to [04260], P = 110d. V0998 Aql The position coincides with the planetary nebula P.K.50-3.1deg. V0999 Aql Tsessevich's observations [07806] do not agree with the elements in the Table. V1017 Aql Elements need confirmation. V1033 Aql P var? V1045 Aql Min II 13.5. V1046 Aql P var? [08321].Min = 2427713.314 + 5.28303d*E [04027]. Slight reflection effect is possible. V1064 Aql Cycles 295d - 410d. V1072 Aql sp component of a close pair. V1075 Aql d = 0.04P. Min II 13.6. V1076 Aql VB A (close preceding). V1086 Aql VB. Probably the variable is the sf component. V1093 Aql IA type is possible. V1095 Aql P var. After JD2429048 - see Table, earlier Max = 2427322 + 42.68d*E. Not coloured appreciably. V1096 Aql Min II 13.3. V1097 Aql Min II 14.0. V1101 Aql Possibly UGZ type [03156]. V1113 Aql The period may be twice shorter. V1117 Aql Min II 16.6. V1125 Aql Min II 16.0. V1140 Aql P var? V1154 Aql Min II 14.8; Min II - Min I = 0.70P. V1165 Aql According to [04564], constant. In [03932] was not separated from a close component which probably led to distortions of the light curve. V1166 Aql UG type is possible. V1173 Aql nf component of a close pair. V1182 Aql Min II 8.65. V1184 Aql Min II 13.4. V1200 Aql VB. The variable is the eastern red component. V1204 Aql VB. The variable is the eastern component. V1208 Aql A common proper motion star 9.06m in 1' to the south. V1248 Aql UG type is possible. V1251 Aql Red. V1261 Aql Spectral type K2 in HD. V1269 Aql VB. The variable is the preceding component. V1281 Aql Reddish. SRD type is possible. V1286 Aql Possibly the period is accidental. V1288 Aql ADS 12182 A (B 12.3m, 36", 287deg). V1291 Aql The elements have been determined on the base of magnetic field variations. The epoch of minimum intensity of the magnetic field is given. V1295 Aql Shell star. Dramatic spectral changes were observed [05240]. The variability is hardly periodic, though P ~100d is possible. Sometimes light fluctuations on several days' time scale are observed [05880]. IR excess [06277]. For a detailed spectroscoric study, with evidence for the outflow of matter from the surface, see [04739]. Considerable magnetic field [04435]. V1297 Aql d = 0.05P? Min II 14.5. V1298 Aql mu alpha = -0.0392s, mu delta = -1".330. The companion of the star BD +4deg 4048 (ro = 73".8, theta = 151.5 deg). One of the absolutely faintest known stars (Mv = +19m). V1300 Aql I - K: +5.2, +6.5. Sometimes CO, SiO, OH maser emission. V1302 Aql A unique IR object IRC +10420. B - V = +2.7, U - B = +1.9. OH, H2O, SiO maser. According to [07437], the energy distribution in the IR spectrum (1 - 22mkm) resembles that of eta Car. Emissions of neutral metals are observed in the spectrum. Increased in brightness during 1925 - 1970; Max ~1970. V1323 Aql Close VB; var - northern component. V1325 Aql VB, np component var. V1331 Aql Min II 7.95. According to [04619] P = 1.364076d. V1333 Aql Aql X-1. Light variations with P ~1.28d - 1.31d due to orbital motion are possible [04625]. Bursts characteristic of the XB type are observed [04757]. Lx/Lopt ~500 outside nova-like bursts, Lx/Lopt ~5000 during bursts. V1336 Aql In 1.6' W from MXB 1916-05. M type is possible. V1338 Aql VB. Probably the f component, very bright infrared, is var. V1340 Aql d = 0.06P? Intrinsic lightvariations in Max are possible. V1341 Aql Min II 13.4. P = 0.3586768D is possible. V1343 Aql SS 433. = +2.0. Associated with the SNR W 50. Mean light varies in the range 14.0 - 14.6 V according to the elements Max = 2443662.5 + 165.5d*E [00512]. The depth of Min I varies from 0.2m to 0.9m V, the depth of Min II varies from 0 to 0.4m V. Two systems of H, HeI, HeII emission lines are observed in the spectrum: the "stationary" system corresponding to Vr changes from 300 to 150 km/s with P = 13.1d, and the "relativistic" one, corresponding to Vr changes from +50000 to -35000 km/s with P = 165.5d. The spectral study [00535]. The system apparently consists of an O - B star filling its inner Roche lobe and a compact object surrounded by an accretion disc wich is precessing with P = 165.5d. Two jets consisting of dense condensations of matter emerge from the system with relativistic velocity (0.27 c) in opposite directions. The luminosity of the disc amounts to not less than 60% of the total luminosity of the system [00926, 00953]. The object may be a former supernova which bursted not more than 10**4 years ago. V1345 Aql Min II 14.3:, Min II - Min I = 0.46P. V1349 Aql Max ~17 pg. V1352 Aql VB A (B 14.5m, 6", 175deg). V1353 Aql Min II 10.9. V1355 Aql Min II 13.3. V1357 Aql Possibly P = 1.051d. V1470 Aql The variability may be due to the fainter (B) component. V1472 Aql SB, Porb = 198d. eta Aql P var. P = 7.176344d (JD2373000 - 95100), P = 7.176455D (JD2395100 - 2412100). Since JD2412100 - see Table. For the whole interval Max = 2442794.773 + 7.176735d*E + 2.18d*10**(-8)*E**2 [08632]. In the UV band the light of a possible A0V comparion is apparent. sig Aql ADS 12737 A (B 12.34m, 48", 328deg). Depth of Min II 0.1m. In [04627] P = 1.950271d is given according to spectroscopic data. R Ara Min II 6.2. VB A (B 8.2mV, 4", 123deg). S Ara (k - b)2 = 0.09. P var [01932, 03126]. Max = 2416284.792 + 0.45188910d*E (JD2414000 - 19000);Max = 2419149.797 + 0.45188581d*E (JD2419000 - 30000) [00752]. Since JD2441000 - see Table. For the whole interval, with sufficient accuracy, Max = 2420047.2382 + 0.451888176d*E - 1.36d*10**(-10)*E**2 [03126]. T Ara VB A (B 11.0m, 34", 60deg). X Ara Shown in the chart for S5809. RT Ara According to Cannon [01944] who discovered the star's variability, a companion 12.0m is present in 0.1m to W and somewhat to the north from the variable. Cannon points out that at Min light the variable becomes fainter than the companion. No sign of the companion's existence was found by Hoffmeister [00016] and by Payne-Gaposchkin [00624]. According to [00624], the mean cycle is ~78d, and RVA type is possible. RW Ara d = 0.022P. Min II 8.91. Changes of the shape of the light curve due to gaseous streams or a hot spot are possible. TT Ara ZrO bands may be present in the spectrum [03181]. TV Ara In the region of the cluster NGC 6208. TX Ara VB A (B 16.5m). Twice shorter period is possible. XX Ara Min II 14.1. YY Ara The star's being an eclipsing or irregular variable is not excluded [00424]. AA Ara Min II 13.3. AD Ara [A/H] = -0.4. AE Ara VB A (B 12m, 0.3' sf). P.K. 344-8.1. A compast planetary nebula or a symbiotic star. Irregular abrupt brightenings by 3m - 4m separated by several years are observed [00255]. The spectral data are discussed in [08076]. AF Ara Min II 13.8. AW Ara Before JD2417300 Max = 2412600 + 186d*E. BQ Ara Double maxima separated by 10d - 20d, with Min II 12.8. CC Ara VB; the variable is nf component. CH Ara Noted on the finding chart for S6062 = V 466 Ara. CT Ara Before JD2420400 Max = 2413080 + 215d:*E; since JD2425000 - see Table. DU Ara B - V: +0.52, +0.84. P var. Max = 2418145.560 + 1.63999d*E (JD2411000 - 21000); Since JD2425000 - see Table. EK Ara VB A (B 15m). EL Ara Before JD2420400 Max = 2415140 + 332d*E; since JD2425000 - see Table. ER Ara Min II 14.2. EV Ara Before JD2420400 Max = 2413750 + 237d*E; since JD2425000 - see Table. EZ Ara P var. FU Ara The depth of Min I is 0.97m and 0.89m, the depth of Min II is 0.20m and 0.23m in blue and yellow light, respectively. GK Ara Before JD2417800 Max = 2414050 + 237d*E, since JD2418400 - see Table. GM Ara Min II 12.8. HX Ara B - V: +0.23, +0.36. A hump on the ascending branch (phi = 0.93P) [08118]. KY Ara Only one sharp Max (JD2428715 - 712) was observed. Possibly a Nova. KZ Ara VB A (B 14.1m sp). LP Ara d = 0.04P? Min II 10.5? LQ Ara In 1959 rapid variations at times for 0.5m near 11m were observed; surrounded by a nebula [04001]. LR Ara Min II 10.6. LU Ara Min II 10.1? MQ Ara nf component is variable. MR Ara B - V: +0.72, +0.8. [A/H] = -1.0. P var? QR Ara Shown in the charp for BV 1443. QU Ara VB. QW Ara The variable is np component of the pair. QX Ara Shown in the chart for S5818. V0340 Ara B - V: +1.25, +1.68. [A/H] = 0.6. V0341 Ara The star is blue; light variations during 4d were not accompanied by colour changes. Possibly an eclipsing variable [04678]. V0342 Ara P >= 140d. V0344 Ara P >= 170d V0345 Ara P >= 180d. V0349 Ara Min II 8.8. V0355 Ara P > 220d. V0356 Ara P > 170d. V0357 Ara P >= 220d. V0360 Ara Min II 13.8:, Min II - Min I = 0.35P. V0361 Ara Min II 13.6:. V0362 Ara Min II 15.6:. V0383 Ara A star 16.5m is close to the north. V0421 Ara Min II 15.1. V0440 Ara Min II 14.5:. V0444 Ara Min II 14.2. V0454 Ara Min II 14.1. V0480 Ara Min II 15.5:. V0484 Ara RV type is possible (Min = JD2436760). V0485 Ara Min II 14.8. V0489 Ara Min II 11.9. V0491 Ara Min II 11.9. V0492 Ara Min II 14.5. V0494 Ara RV type is not excluded. V0501 Ara Min II 13.8. Shown in the chart for S6114. V0535 Ara Min II 7.71. Nonlinear term in the elements: -4.4d*10**(-11)*E**2. V0536 Ara Min II is present. EB type is possible. P var. P = 2.374101d (JD2415000 - 22000); since JD2422000 - see Table. V0539 Ara VB A (B 9.22m, 12", 269deg). Min II 6.09, d = 0.01P. Shown in the chart for BV1441 = V538 Ara. V0544 Ara 14.5m star sp. V0609 Ara Shown in the chart for S5867. V0610 Ara EA type is possible. V0613 Ara VB (close np companion is NSV10198). V0616 Ara Deep Min II. V0620 Ara Min II is possibly present. V0623 Ara Min II 14.5. Twice shorter period is possible. V0624 Ara P >= 220d. V0625 Ara P >= 170d. V0639 Ara V1 (NGC 6397). Probably not a cluster member. V0651 Ara Min II 15.3. V0653 Ara Min II 12.6. V0656 Ara EW type is not excluded. V0658 Ara Min II 16.0. V0659 Ara Min II 14.4. V0668 Ara Min II 13.8:. V0675 Ara P >= 200d. V0687 Ara RRC type is possible. V0700 Ara Min II 15.7. V0702 Ara Min II 14.0. V0704 Ara Min II 13.3. V0705 Ara Min II 14.4. RR type is possible. V0716 Ara Monotonous brightening during JD2436689 - 36838 was found. The amplitude is probably greater. V0722 Ara Min II 10.3:. V0728 Ara Min II 12.8. V0732 Ara CEP type is not excluded. V0743 Ara RV type is possible. V0781 Ara Min II 14.8:. V0783 Ara Min II 13.9:. V0785 Ara Min II 14.3. V0787 Ara RV type is possible. Min JD2436756. V0789 Ara Min II 14.8. V0790 Ara Min II 14.8. V0791 Ara Min II 13.0:. V0792 Ara Min II 15.2:. V0801 Ara MXB 1636-53. Description of the spectrum [01356]. Modulation with P ~4h and the amplitude up to 40% was found in the broad band optical flux [04944]. V0802 Ara 14.93 - 17.03 B. V0808 Ara EW type is possible. V0820 Ara Epoch of Min is given. Strong magnetic field. Either an eclipsing binary or (more probably) an object similar to rotating variables of ACV type. V0821 Ara 4U 1658-48. Unusua1 X-ray system. Quasiperiodic optical variations (P ~20s) with total amplitude 40 percent, abrupt bursts on ~20 ms time scale leading to two-fold flux increase and light changes by 6m during less than two months were observed [04958]. Lx/Lopt = 3. V0870 Ara Type DSCT: is also possible. R Ari OH emission. T Ari P var. Max = 2417160 + 313.5d*E (JD2404800 - 17200); Max = 2434616 + 323.1d*E (JD2419400 - 34560). Since JD2436560 - see Table.

= 319.53d (JD2404800 - 44160). Sometimes A < 1.5m. U Ari SiO maser. V Ari Vr = - 180 km/s. W Ari Maps given in [02544, 06067] are wrong. X Ari B - V: +0.28, +0.56. P var. Max = 2420785.635 + 0.6511248d*E (JD2420460 - 33210) [03506]. Since JD2433210 - see Table. [Fe/H] = -2.17. RR Ari Min II 6.75:; Min II - Min I = 0.55P. Variability is not confirmed by other authors' photoelectric observations. V = 5.75. RS Ari Min II 11.0. RU Ari OH emission. RV Ari B - V: +0.29, +0.44. 0.34P =< M - m =< 0.53P. P1 = 0.07195d [08137]; P2 = 0.27554d [07033]. Moments of brightest light maxima T = 2435066.400 + 0.31632996d*n [02290]. RW Ari B - V: +0.35, +0.46. P var. Max = 2428183.324 + 0.3543184d*E (JD2428040 - 36700) [03188]. Since JD2440900 - see Table. According to [06043] - EA type: Min I = 2439384.97 + 3.1754d*E. Total light range (11.47 - 13.25 V) [08127] seems doubtful. It is not excluded that the eclipses and light increase of RW Ari given in [08127] are explained by variability of one of comparison stars used. RX Ari d = 0.02P. Depth of Min II 0.10m. SS Ari P var. Min II 10.82:. ST Ari P var. Max = 2427347 + 94.2d*E (1933 - 1939); Max = 2429525 + 106.6d*E (1939 - 1942); Max = 2430588 + 95.2d*E (1942 - 1946); Max = 2432118 + 100.0d*E (1946 - 1961). Mean elements are given in the Table. SX Ari B - V: -0.10, -0.12. Epoch of Min is given. SZ Ari d = 0.03P. TT Ari Porb = 0.137551d [08138]. Along with light variations typical for Z Cam variables there are sinusoidal variations with amplitude of about 0.2m B and variable period: P = 0.1329d (1961 - 62), P = 0.1327d (1966) [04931], P = 0.1326d (1978) [04935]. Sinusoidal variations are superimposed by quasiperiodic oscillations up to 0.2m with 8 - 20 minutes cycle and irregular flickering up to 0.1m in 1 minute. TU Ari P var. Max = 2420463.353 + 0.4716219d*E (JD2420463 - 34720). Since JD2436820 - see Table. TV Ari P var. TX Ari P var? TY Ari Form of the light curve varies. Mean value of the period is given. UV Ari The second overtone period given in the Table is dominating. Sometimes the fundamental period P0 = 0.062d and the first overtone period P1 = 0.047d are observed. UW Ari Amplitude varies. In the interval JD2441581 - 693 - const. [07544]. UX Ari T = 2440133.766 + 6.43791d*E [06444], where T is epoch of conjunction (G5 component is behind K0 component). Brightness varies in waves with a period ~Porb, but the phase psi of light minimum calculated according to the elements given above changes with time: psi = 0.1P (1972 - 1974), psi = 0.8P (1976), psi = 0.7P (1977), psi = 0.6P (1978). Mean brightness varies, amplitude of the wave varies from 0.04m up to 0.15m. VW Ari BDS 1269 A (B 8.33m, 74", 31deg). P2 = 0.089d. Metal deficiency. The companion has normal metal abundance. VY Ari SB? Epoch of Min is given. Second light variation is also observed: Min = 2442044.6 + 43.9d*E. A small flare in U band was observed. gam Ari VB A (B 4.65m, B 9 V, 7.9", 0deg). Epoch of Min is given. R Aur VB A (B 8.6m, 48", 239deg). P var [07165]; cycle 64.5a is possible. S Aur P var. In the early fourties of our century the star was faint with small and irregular variations. T Aur Min = 2437614.0088 + 0.20437851d*E [08145]. P var? = 14.92, = + 0.28. There are light fluctuations between the eclipses. Depths of Min are 0.10m - 0.28m [03195]. Faint nebula with high degree of ionization. U Aur H2O maser. Y Aur B - V: +0.70, +1.06. Z Aur P var [07110]. Max = 2425580 + 110.76d*E (JD2416156 - 25580); Max = 2429888 + 113.35d*E (JD2425570 - 29900); Max = 2438292 + 135.55d*E (JD2429900 - 33300). P = 110d (1965) [03196]. In 1970 - irregular variations [07338]. = -165 km/s; According to TiO bands the spectrum is M1 [00806]. RS Aur P var. RT Aur B - V: +0.39, +0.80. [A/H] = 0.1. P var. Max = 2433040.867 + 3.728365d*E (JD2417970 - 33100). Since JD2433100 - see Table. Delta(V) var? RU Aur OH emission. Mean magnitude probably varies with Pi = 10400d [01059]. RW Aur VB A (B 12.5m, dM0e, 1.2", 254deg). The companion probably flares with an amplitude 0.5m - 0.7m [03197, 03198]. Possible period of axial rotation is 100d [07067]. OH emission. RX Aur B - V: +0.76, +1.18; [A/H] = -0.1, P var? Nonlinear term: -0.70d*10**(-6)E**2? RZ Aur P var. Min = 2422616.498 + 3.010593d*E (JD2418000 - 26000); since JD2426000 - see Table. SS Aur SB (P = 0.1805939d [06103]). Sometimes abnormal behaviour of the star is being observed when comparatively numerous and small light maxima arise. According to [08151] the mean cycle is 51.2d. SU Aur Common proper motion with AB Aur (P = 3'). Associated with a small bright nebula. OH emission. SX Aur Min II 8.87. According to [08153] P var: Min I = 2418218.7779 + 1.21007653d*E + 0.91d*10**(-10)*E**2. SY Aur B - V: +0.92, +1.23. [A/H] = - 0.3. P var [05661]. Max = 2436853.57 + 10.144330d*E (JD2417900 - 32380). Since JD2432380 - see Table. TT Aur Min II 9.0. TV Aur S5/6-. TW Aur Mean magnitude varies with P = 1370d. TZ Aur B - V: +0.08, +0.48. Delta(S) = 2. UU Aur VB A (B 11m, 18", 222deg). UV Aur VB A (B 10.96m, B 9 V, 3.4", 4deg). Bright lines [NeIII] and [OIII] in spectrum. UW Aur Epoch of Min is given. UY Aur VB A (B 12m?, 0.8", 212deg). OH emission. VW Aur VB (9.0m, 11.8m, 1.4", 332deg, 1976). VX Aur P var? WW Aur Min II 6.43. Min II - Min I = 0.50P. XX Aur Min II 13.4. YZ Aur B - V: +1.15, +1.72. [A/H] = -0.4. ZZ Aur Min II 11.1. AB Aur Common proper motion with AB Aur (P = 3'). Associated with a small bright nebula. OH emission. Spectrum description [04002]. AE Aur Connected with the bright nebula IC 405. The motion is directed away from Ori OB 1 association with the velocity 106 km/s. AG Aur According to TiO bands the spectrum is M3 [00806]. AH Aur Min II 10.70. P var. AK Aur VB B (A = BD +31deg 1370, 8.3m; B 82", 26deg). B - V: +0.18. AM Aur Min II 11.0. P var: Min I = 2417617.2 + 13.6182d*E (JD2413500 - 19500) [00608]; since JD2425400 - see Table. AN Aur B - V: +1.06, +1.48. [A/H] = -0.2. AO Aur B - V: +0.86, +1.27. AP Aur Min II 11.2. P var: Min I = 2423080.505 + 0.5692965d*E (JD2423080 - 35000). Since JD2435000 - see Table. AQ Aur Light curve shape var? AR Aur Min II 6.70. Min II - Min I = 0.50004P. P var: Min I = 2427887.7217 + 4.13467d*E (JD2427800 - 29500) [04999]. Since JD2438400 - elements in the Table with an additional nonlinear term: -2.2d*10**(-8)*E**2. AZ Aur Close companion 16.3m B. BC Aur Min II 11.7. BF Aur Min II 9.49. P var. Min I = 2434455.3872 + 1.583217d*E (JD2411760 - 34455) [05038]. Since JD2434455 - see Table. The two sets of observations are equally well represented by the formula: Min I = 2440628.3643 + 1.5832212d*E + 1.7d*10**(-10)*E**2 [08160]. BH Aur P var. Max = 2437352.461 + 0.45608821d*E (JD2417260 - 42750) [07806]. Since JD2442750 - see Table. BK Aur B - V: +0.86, +1.26. CI Aur Depth of Min II 0.05m. P var. Min I = 2439414.573 + 1.869984d*E + 0.020d*10**(-8)*E**2 (JD2425560 - 42045). Elements given in the Table represent observations in the interval JD2439052 - 40654. CL Aur Min II 12.3; Min II - Min I = 0.45P; DII = 0.13P. P var? Min I = 2432967.262 + 1.2443666d*E (JD2416900 - 32967) [00608]. Since JD2432967 - see Table. CO Aur The first overtone period is given in the Table; the second overtone P = 1.4255d. CQ Aur B - V: + 0.86, + 1.07; Min II 9.14:; Min II - Min I = 0.52P:; D = 0.096P. P var. Nonlinear term: +3.78d*10**(-7)*E**2. CY Aur [A/H] = -0.3. DV Aur P var. Max = 2426015 + 198.0d*E (JD2426014 - 27400) [00332]. Since JD2439940 - see Table. EI Aur Min II 15.0. EM Aur Min II 11.7. EO Aur Min II 7.89. EP Aur Min II 10.9. P var? ER Aur [A/H] = - 1.1. P var? Max = 2432951.54 + 15.69073d*E (1949 - 1950) [01059]. In the interval JD2443428 - 874 - see Table. EW Aur [A/H] = - 0.6. FF Aur [A/H] = - 0.3. FN Aur Min II 12.3. P var? FP Aur d = 0.080P. FR Aur Min II 13.0. FZ Aur d = 0.40d. GI Aur Min II 11.7. GK Aur Min II 14.0; Min II - Min I = 0.62P. GO Aur P var. Max = 2426071 + 292.1d*E (JD2425505 - 31325); Max = 2432205 + 301.2d*E (JD2432805 - 36120) [03211]. Since JD2436990 - see Table. GY Aur Min II 13.3. HL Aur Min II 11.0. HN Aur In the cluster NGC 1664. Light variations with P2 = 1400d: are superimposed by variations with P1 = 165d:. HP Aur Min II 11.28; Min II - Min I = 0.502P. P var. Min I = 2427445.400 + 1.4228180d*E (JD2427445 - 42683); since JD2442712 - see Table. HR Aur Epoch of Min is given. HS Aur Min II 11.2. The value of period given in [02619] must be doubled as the system consists of two equal components [08164]. HU Aur Min II 12.4. HW Aur Min II 12.6. HZ Aur Sometimes short period variations of Vr with the amplitude 3 km/s and of brightness in U with the amplitude 0.02m are also observed. Max Vr = 2439454.900 + 0.073502d*E [05259]. P (DeltaU) = 0.07396d [04818]. II Aur Min II 15.0:. IM Aur Min II 8.05:. IQ Aur Epoch of Min is given. IS Aur VB. The range of combined brightness variation is given. It is not known which of the components varies. IU Aur P var. There is an additional periodic term in the elements: -0.00627d*sin (2.221deg*E + 15deg). The ratio of Min II depth to Min I depth is 0.78. There is secular deepening of both minima. The depth of Min I increases by 0.016m per year. The range of light variation in the Table is given for 1979.0 (Min II 8.69). Orbital inclination is increasing by 0.5deg per year [05181] due to orbital precession caused by a third body. Spectrum description [08166]. KO Aur Min II 11.2. KR Aur = +0.10, = -0.95. SB (P = 0.1628d [09045]). Spectrum description [08169, 08170]. Wide hydrogen emission lines. Long maxima and minima lasting for years are superimposed by rapid light variations by 1 - 2m in several days or fortnights and by 0.5m in dozens of seconds [08168, 08170]. The source of soft X-rays [05191]. KS Aur VB A (12.5m, 5", 94deg). KV Aur Flat waves with a cycle about 750d are sometimes superimposed by comparatively rapid fluctuations. KW Aur VB A (B 11.0m, 11.1", 352deg, 1909; C 7.99m, 14.5", 226deg, 1923); SB1 (P = 3.788568d). Mean light level varies synchronously with orbital motion. Besides main pulsational period there are two more periods of nonradial pulsation: P1 = 0.096533d, P2 = 0.088243d. KX Aur In the IC 405 nebula. KY Aur In the IC 405 nebula. LY Aur VB A (B 9.1m, 0.6", 249deg, 1958). Min II 7.26; d = 0.017P. MR Aur Min II 15.5. MT Aur d = 0.02P. NP Aur P var. Since JD2437720 - see Table. NU Aur Blazhko effect. Pi = 179d:. NV Aur OH, SiO, H2O maser. NW Aur In the region of the NGC 1893. Min II 14.7. According to [07160] no minimum was recorded during visual observations covering twice all phases. NX Aur In the cluster NGC 1893. OP Aur In the cluster Stock 8. OX Aur VB A (B 10.0m, 22.4", 224deg). P1 = 0.115442d. Mean brightness probably varies. PR Aur The chart in [07806] is wrong. PY Aur Possibly a cepheid. QR Aur Epoch of Min is given. QY Aur SB. V0348 Aur VB A (B 13.43m, 24", 44deg). V0353 Aur During several decades the star brightened by 0.06m in a year. Possibly a planetary nebula in the process of formation. V0358 Aur In the region of the cluster NGC 2099. V0431 Aur P = 16.86d detected in HIPPARCOS data. V0433 Aur SB? bet Aur VB A (B 14.1m, 13", 174deg). Min II 1.98. eps Aur VB A (B 14.0m, 21", 224deg). d = 0.037P. Survey of the physical properties of the system [02041, 02042, 03070, 03216, 03217, 08174]. The spectrum probably varies even outside eclipses. The eclipses are probably due to a disk of gas and dust surrounding the hot companion. The brightness has physical fluctuations with the amplitude up to 0.24m and the cycle about 110d [02040] which hinder revealing the possible Min II. Similar cycle was discovered also in the fluctuations of Vr. zet Aur Range of light variation strongly depends on lambda: 4.98 - 5.53 B, 5.36 - 7.33 U. d = 0.039P var: 37.58d <= d <= 38.07d [05486]. Light fluctuations of K star by 0.05m [05539]. tet Aur VB A (B 7.5m, 2", 8, 331deg, 1924). According to [04034] the period of magnetic field variation is 3.618d. U Boo Delta(m) var (from 0.9m to 2.4m). V Boo P var. Amplitude strongly varies. W Boo According to [06994], P = 30d +-. Z Boo H2O maser. RS Boo Delta(S) = 2. P var. Before JD2435000 Max = 2418115.5867 + 0.37733691d*E; since JD2435000 - see Table. Changes of the height of maxima: Max (minimal height) = JD2442500 + 533d*E; a shorter cycle of changes is possible: P ~ 58 - 62d [04832]. RU Boo B - V: +0.09, +0.44. RX Boo H2O, SiO, OH maser. SS Boo Depth of Min II 0.1m. ST Boo P var. Max = 2439236.032 + 0.6222968d*E (1966 - 1974). Mean elements 1911 - 1974 - see Table. Blazhko effect: Min (O - C) = 2442203 + 284d*n. Delta(S) = 11. SU Boo D = 0.032P. Min II 12.04. P var. SV Boo B - V: +0.17, +0.44. P var? SW Boo B - V: +0.09, +0.39. P var. Before JD2426500 Max = 2421840.295 + 0.5134948d*E [02008, 02011]. Since 1960 - see Table. Secondary oscillation: Max (height of Max) = 2441037.33 + 12.997d*E. According to [04833], the magnitude in Max varies between 10.5 and 11.6 V. SZ Boo P var? TU Boo Min II 12.4. TV Boo B - V: +0.10, +0.22. [Fe/H] = -2.42. Blazhko effect, Pi = 16.14d [07116]. TW Boo B - V: +0.11, +0.40. Delta(S) = 12. P var. Before JD2426890 Max = 2420340.551 + 0.53227557d*E; since JD2426890 - see Table. TY Boo Min II 11.35.P var. TZ Boo Min II 10.82 (var). dII = 0.09P. P var. Depths of minima vary from 10.8 to 11.0 V with P ~3.5 yrs; sometimes Min II is deeper than Min I. Some other parameters of the shape of light curve are also variable. In ~1960 the period changed abruptly; other period variations were also noted. UU Boo B - V: +0.03, +0.44. P var. Period change ~JD2432700 [03230]. Earlier Max = 2424967.310 + 0.45690626d*E [03229]. UW Boo Min II 10.5. UX Boo According to [02136], Delta(m) ~0.5m pg, EW? UY Boo Delta(S) = 12.6. P, Delta(m) var. Before JD2425500 Max = 2411459.819 + 0.6508552d*E; Max = 2425688.836 + 0.6507849d*E (JD2425500 - 28670) [01702]; Max = 2432306.759 + 0.650799d*E (JD2428670 - 32300) [02431]. Since JD2435900 - see Table. VW Boo Min II 10.93. P var. Nonlinear term: -0.084d*10**(-9)*(E - 7500)**2. WY Boo Possibly P = 90d. XY Boo Min II 10.61. P var. YZ Boo Delta(S) = 0. Delta(m) var, the shape of the light curve varies [08186]. ZZ Boo Min II 7.44. Possible radio source. AC Boo Min II 10.55. P var? Depth of minima and level of maxima are variable. AD Boo Min II 9.9. AE Boo P var. (k - b)2 = 0.01. AG Boo Blazhko effect is possible. AK Boo Min II 16.3. AO Boo P var. Mean period is given. AR Boo Min II 14.5. P var. AS Boo Blazhko effect is possible. BD Boo Blazhko effect is possible. BE Boo Scatter in the light curve near max light; P var? [05264]. The value of the period in the Table may be spurious. BG Boo Min II 14.3. BI Boo In the region of the globular cluster NGC 5466. BK Boo Min II 15.3. BL Boo V 19 (NGC 5466). B - V: +0.12, +0.25. [Fe/H] = -1.35. "Anomalous cepheid". Radial velocity cluster member. BN Boo In the region of the cluster NGC 5466. BO Boo The shape of the light curve varies: magnitude in Max - from 14.5 to 15.0. BP Boo 5.51 V. BR Boo The mean light curve shows scatter which may evidence for the necessity to improve the period. BU Boo P var. Mean period is given. AO Boo. The mean light curve could not be obtained. BW Boo Min II 7.17. Min II - Min I = 0.450P. DII = 0.06P. SB1. BX Boo VB A (B 10.6m, 36", 156deg). P var. According to other sources: Min = 244076730 + 0.741285d*E [07955]; Min = 2440767.26 + 0.6080722d*E [05054]. CC Boo The star is not red. CD Boo The star is not red. CK Boo Min II 9.23. CP Boo P > 0.125d. EL Boo Type E: is also possible. gam Boo VB A (B 12.5m, 33", 111deg, 1925). Delta(m) var. Radial velocity varies with P = 0.25d +-0.02d [04914]. kap 2 Boo ADS 9173 A (B = kappa1 Boo, 6.69m, SB, F2V, 13",236deg). According to [07015], P = 0.0668d. Beat period ~16d [06086, 07015]. ksi Boo ADS 9413 AB (4.7m, G8V; 6.6m, K4V; A = 4.884", P = 149.95a). LiI lambda 6708 line is present in the G8V spectrum. Both spectra show manifestations of chromospheric activity, emissions of H and K Ca II. Soft X-ray source. Probably it is component A that is variable, though variability of H and K CaII emission with the cycle 10 - 11 years is observed for component B. i Boo ADS 9494 B (A 5.1m, G0; a = 3.8", e = 0.43, P = 225a). Min II 6.29. P var. Min = 2434132.517 + 0.267812271d*E + 0.115242d*10**(-9)*E**2 (1916 - 1958) [03239]; Min = 2438513.4166 + 0.2678143d*E (1947 - 1967) [08191]; since 1968 - see Table. Detailed studies of period changes [05222, 07352, 07353, 08181]. Sudden period changes at JD2423800, 29300, 32300, 35150 are possible. The shape of the light curve and the depth of Min II are also variable. According to [02020], it is also possible that ADS 9494 A is variable, with the amplitude up to 0.09m. S Cae = +0.33. P < 1d. X Cae (k - b)2 = 0.22. RX Cae Variability type and spectral type (F3/F5II) do not agree. R Cam S2/5:e. P var. T Cam S5/5e. U Cam Interfering P1 = 435.45d, P2 = 223.17d; P3 = 3000d [01053]. V Cam H2O, SiO maser. Y Cam EA/SD. SB1. Min II 10.60. P var. Min = 2424434.5071 + 3.3054975d*E + 0.1215d* sin (0.0543deg*E + 186.8deg) (JD2411400 - 33300) [00978]; Min = 2437375.4923 + 3.3055069d*E + 5.3d*10**(-8)*E**2 (JD2437375 - 41000) [07166]; since JD2440000 - see Table. The primary component is a DSCTC variable [07166] with A <= 0.05m B. According to [04192], the pulsational period is possibly synchronized with the orbital motion and remains practically constant (0.066458d) during a long time interval. Z Cam SB2. Lower conjunction of the G component T = 2438470.841 + 0.289840d*E [05365]. Outside outbursts the light curve is modulated with spectroscopic elements and has a shoulder at the phase 0.88P and a broad, shallow dip at the phase 0.15P. Outside maxima flickering up to 0.5m with P ~ 16s - 18s is observed. During maxima brightness fluctuations are small [05365, 04193]. RS Cam Mean brightness varies. RU Cam [A/H] = +0.9:. P var. Min = 2417610.1 + 22.187d*E (1908 - 1917), Min = 2421315.3 + 22.121d*E (1917 - 1922), Min = 2423195.6 + 22.217d*E (1922 - 1931), Min = 2426350.4 + 22.138d*E (1931 - 1951), Min = 2433700.2 + 22.162d*E (1951 - 1961), Min = 2437356.9 + 22.055d*E (1961 - 1965) [03243]. Unusual variable. The shape of the light curve varies. Before 1964 broad maxima and sharp minima were observed; Delta(m) varied by the factor of 2, with a possible cycle 5.1a [03241]. After 1964 - 1966 Delta(m) decreased abruptly (to 0.4m - 0.1m and smaller), the light curve became symmetric; the mean light varies in the range of 0.3m B. The period varies irregularly in the interval 19.4d - 23.5d. Groups of oscillations are observed to replace one another, with phase shifts up to 0.5p [04206]. Unusual spectrum with intense CN and weak C2 bands. RW Cam [A/H] = +0.4. P var? RX Cam B - V: +1.05, +1.48. [A/H] = 0. RY Cam Possibly P2 = 150.8d. SS Cam d = 0.06P. Min II 10.35:. P var; nonlinear term: +2.04d*10**(-9)*E**2. SV Cam Depth of Min II 0.15m: pg. P var. A cycle of 50a may be present in period changes. The elements in the Table are valid since 1967.5. SW Cam P var. Before JD2437600 Max = 2434448 + 254.2d*E. Since JD2440000 - see Table. SZ Cam Member of the open cluster NGC 1502. ADS 2984 B (A = NSV 1458 7.1m V; B 18", 304deg). Min II 7.24, D II = 0.17P. P var. Since 1970 - see Table; earlier Min I = 2427533.5191 + 2.6984166d*E [02071]. TU Cam Min II 5.22. TV Cam [A/H] = -0.2. TX Cam SiO maser. UY Cam Delta(m) var (0.2m - 0.5m V) [03528]. UZ Cam P var? Before JD2428700 Max = 2427992 + 231.0d*E [00114]; since JD2440000 - see Table. WW Cam d = 0.013d. Min II 11.1. XX Cam During 1898 - 1980 a single symmetric Min JD2429632 was observed which lasted for 94d. Brightness fluctuations up to 0.2m during several dozens of minutes [04271]. Hydrogen deficiency and carbon excess in the spectrum. Some authors express doubt about the star's being an RCB variable; in particular, they note the lack of IR excess [05423, 05430]. AB Cam [A/H] = -0.1. AD Cam [A/H] = -1.0. AE Cam Min II 15.8. AH Cam VB A (B 7"). P var. Max = 2433897.519 + 0.3687404d*E (JD2427000 - 33897) [02305]. Since JD2438000 - see Table. Magnitude in Max varies with a possible cycle Pi = 46 P [03506]. AK Cam P var. Min = 2426393.180 + 2.226780d*E (JD2426390 - 36610) [02594]; since JD2436000 - see Table. AS Cam d = 0.009P. Min II 8.97, DII = 0.06P, Min II - Min I = 0.437P. AT Cam Min II 10.6. AU Cam Very red. AV Cam d = 0.04P. AW Cam Min II 8.36. AX Cam Detailed spectral studies [07191], [07192]. AY Cam Min II 10.23, DII = 0.12P, dII = 0.02P. According to [03260], the spectrum is A5. AZ Cam Min II 10.8. BI Cam Delta(m) = 0.9m pg. BK Cam During 1912 - 1932 periodic (P ~4.4a) spectral changes were observed which came to an end by 1937 [04282]. BM Cam SB1 (P = 80.174469d; e = 0.35). Epoch of Min light is given. CZ Cam P = 267.79d, semiregular behavior unusual for B5 stars. R Cnc SiO maser. S Cnc In the field of Praesere (NGC 2632) cluster. d = 0.015P. Min II 8.39. P var. U Cnc VB A (B 3"). In the field of Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster. V Cnc S0.5/6e. ADS 6763 A (B 13.5m, 10", 270deg). RS Cnc P2 = 1700d. Tc lines are present in the spectrum. RT Cnc P2 ~600d. RU Cnc d = 0.035P. Min II 10.21:, DII <= 0.07P. RW Cnc P var. Since JD2437000 - see Table. According to [02088], Max = 2421339.380 + 0.5471932d*E + 0.57d*10**(-9)*(E - 5800)**2 + 0.028d*cos0.0215deg* (E + 2260) + f(psi, hi); here the last term is the sum of two short period oscillations and is given in graphical form, since the main period (0.547d) varies with Pi1 = 29.9d and Pi2 = 91.1d. Magnitude in Max varies from 10.7m to 11.8m, in Min from 12.3m to 12.6m. RY Cnc In the region of the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe), non-member. B - V: +0.58, +1.05. P var. Before JD2436000 Min = 2429334.445 + 1.0929500d*E; since JD2436000 - see Table. RZ Cnc Min II 9.21. d = 0.015P:. Ellipsoidal components. SS Cnc Delta(S) = 1.2. P var? SV Cnc B - V: +0.10, +0.52. SY Cnc Flickering with P ~20s - 34s [05959]. Spectral investigation [04286]. TT Cnc (k - b)2 = 0.11. P var. Before JD2430700 Max = JD2425647.452 + 0.5634445d*E [03506]. Since JD2439800 - see Table. Blazhko effect, Pi = 89d [05271]. TW Cnc d = 0.014P. Depth of Min II 0.1m pg. TX Cnc Member of the open cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). Min II 10.32. TY Cnc d = 0.013P. P var. UU Cnc Min II 9.2, JD (Min II) 2435608.5. SB1. The light curve is unstable. Spectral studies [01881], [03149], [04289]. UV Cnc In the region of the Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster. UZ Cnc Min II 11.4. VY Cnc Min II 12.3:. VZ Cnc (k - b)2 = 0.32. Beat phenomenon for two oscillations is observed. According to [02125], for the middle of the ascending branch T () = 2433631.84615 + 0.17836376d*E + 0.00193d*sin(2*pi*psi() - 0.00371d*cos*2*pi*psi(); here the phase of the beat period psi() is computed with the elements T() = Spectral investigation [02126]. WW Cnc According to [07531], the period does not vary since 1933. A number of minima by BBSAG contradict the tabulated elements. WX Cnc Min II 10.7. WY Cnc VB A (B 12.8m, -20", 0deg). Min II 9.60. XX Cnc In the region of the Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster. XZ Cnc Min II 10.2. YY Cnc According to [03263], the star is probably an irregular variable. YZ Cnc Oscillations with P = 133.2m are observed in maximum light [06249]. ZZ Cnc d = 0.02P:. AC Cnc Min II 14.7. = 14.5. The brightness outsibe eclipses varies in the range 13.8 - 15.2B. 3 deep minima contradict the tabulated elements [04460]. The identification with the X-ray source H 0857+13 is not excluded. AD Cnc Min II 13.4. AH Cnc Member of the open cluster M 67 (NGC 2682). Min II 13.68. Nonlinear term: +1.56d*10**(-10)*E**2. Cyclic period variations (with different cycles) are also possible [04475]. AO Cnc Min II 13.4. AP Cnc P var? AU Cnc Possible member of the cluster praesepe (NGC 2632). AV Cnc Possible member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). AW Cnc Possible member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). AX Cnc Possible member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). AY Cnc Possible member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). AZ Cnc Possible member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). BB Cnc Delta(mu) > 6.0. Possible member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). BC Cnc Delta(mu) > 4.0. Possible member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). BD Cnc Possible member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). BE Cnc Possible member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). BG Cnc Possible member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). BH Cnc Possible member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). BI Cnc The elements were determined by Winzer. Epoch of Max in U band is given. BK Cnc Possible member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). BM Cnc SB (P = 585.4154d [06568]). The elements in the Table represent the moments of maximal (B - V). BN Cnc Member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). BQ Cnc SB.Member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). BR Cnc VB A (B 14.2m, 30", 268deg). Member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). BS Cnc Member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). BT Cnc Member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). Oscillations with other periods are superimposed. BU Cnc Member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). According to [04483], P = 0.071d is not confirmed; during different nights P = 0.0534d, P = 0.059d and several other periodicities were observed. BV Cnc Member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). BW Cnc Member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). BX Cnc Member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). BY Cnc Member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). BZ Cnc In the region of the Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster. CC Cnc Cycle <= 90d. CD Cnc Possible member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). CE Cnc In the region of the Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster. CF Cnc In the region of the Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster. CG Cnc In the region of the Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster. CH Cnc In the region of the Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster. CI Cnc Possible member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). CK Cnc In the region of the Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster. CL Cnc In the region of the Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster. CM Cnc Possible member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). CN Cnc Possible member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). CO Cnc In the region of the Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster. CP Cnc In the region of the Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster. CR Cnc In the region of the Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster. CS Cnc In the region of the Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster. CU Cnc G 9-8 = G 40-25. VB A (B = CV Cnc, 13", 347deg), common mu. In the region of Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster, non-member. CV Cnc G 40-26. VB B (A = CU Cnc). CY Cnc Member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). CZ Cnc Equinox in [08354] must be 2000.0. DD Cnc In the region of the Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster. DF Cnc In the region of the Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster. Posibly non-member. DG Cnc In the region of the Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster. Possibly non-member. DH Cnc Possible member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). DI Cnc Possible member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). DL Cnc VB. In the region of the Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster. DM Cnc Possible member of the cluster Praesepe (NGC 2632). DN Cnc In the region of the Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster. DO Cnc In the region of the Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster. DP Cnc In the region of the Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster. DQ Cnc In the region of the Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster. Possibly non-member. DR Cnc In the region of the Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster. DS Cnc In the regiom of the Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster. Possibly non-member. DT Cnc In the region of the Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster. DU Cnc In the region of the Praesepe (NGC 2632) cluster. FV Cnc The type is doubtful. kap Cnc SB (P = 6.39316d). In [04487] the light variability was not confirmed. R CVn P var. Max = 2411768 + 325.4d*E (JD2411730 - 26430) [01701]; Max = 2432074 + 332.8d*E (JD2426750 - 32100); since JD2432100 - see Table. T CVn SRA? Delta(m) strongly varies. U CVn OH, H2O emission. V CVn H2O, SiO maser. W CVn B - V: +0.15, +0.42. P var. Nonlinear term: -368*10**(-13)*E**2. Delta(S) = 7. Y CVn P2 = 2000d. Z CVn B - V: +0.20, +0.33. P var. Max = 2413000.262 + 0.6538236d*E (JD2413000 - 23170); Max = 2423860.355 + 0.6539052d*E (JD2423860 - 31800) [01702]; Max = 2432943.645 + 0.653824d*E (JD2431800 - 40200) [06457]. Since JD2438900 - see Table. Blazhko effect: Min. ampl. = 2439176.12 + 22.75d*E [03267]. Amplitude varies by 0.5m B, extremal periodic deviations of the epoch of Max from linear elements are +-0.02d. Delta(S) = 8. RR CVn B - V: +0.09, +0.45. [Fe/H] = -1.33. The light curve shape and Delta(m) var. RS CVn Min II 8.19; Min II - Min I = 0.506P; d = 0.033P. P var. Nonlinear term: -1.00d*10**(-8)*E**2. Wave-like distorsion with the amplitude from 0.09m up to 0.20m and with the period 4.7917d close to the orbital one is observed on the light curve out of eclipses [07209]. The wave is migrating on phase in the direction of phase decreasing with a migration period of 9.48 years [05800]. RU CVn B - V: +0.10, +0.39. P var. Max = 2420227.338 + 0.5732502d*E (JD2418801 - 29436) [05436]; Max = 2420227.398 + 0.57324647d*E (JD2418979 - 36665) [03271]; since JD2434483 - see Table. RV CVn V141 (M3/NGC 5272). Not a member of the cluster. Min II 15.81. RX CVn B - V: +0.17, +0.41. P var? RZ CVn B - V: +0.12, +0.43. P var. Max = 2424621.489 + 0.56740036d*E (JD2424620 - 31000) [00188]; Max = 2437823.433 + 0.5674174d*E (JD2434470 - 37830); since JD2438200 - see Table. ST CVn P var? Delta(S) = 4.8. SV CVn P var. Max = 2427434.911 + 0.66805653d*E (JD2426000 - 32000) [00752]; since JD2439500 - see Table. SW CVn P var. Max = 2431139.791 + 0.44164922d*E (JD2425640 - 32000) [00752]; since JD2436200 - see Table. TX CVn SB2 (P = 70.8d) [04504]. UU CVn In the region of the globular cluster NGC 5466. P var. Max = 2437817.312 + 0.5409589d*E (JD2436360 - 39945); since JD2439945 - see Table. UV CVn In the region of globular cluster NGC 5466, non-member. P var. Max = 2419446.156 + 0.6316090d*E (JD2419440 - 34455); since JD2434450 - see Table. UW CVn In the region of the globular cluster NGC 5466. UX CVn Min II 11.94. U - B: -1.05, -0.99; B - V: -0.29, -0.23. VV CVn Min II 14.3:. VW CVn Min II 12.4. P var. Min I = 2435923.246 + 0.8499757d*E (JD2427900 - 36000); since JD2435900 - see Table. The variable is not marked on the map. It is by 6mm to the west and 3mm to the north of the comparison star C. VZ CVn Min II 9.54. WW CVn Blazhko effect is possible. WY CVn V 205 (M3/NGC 5272). Member of the cluster? Blazhko effect is possible. WZ CVn V 206 (M3/NGC 5272). Non-member? Blazhko effect. XX CVn In the region of M3 (NGC 5272) globular cluster. Member of the cluster? YZ CVn d = 0.055P, depth of Min II 0.05m vis. AA CVn [Fe/H] = -1.78. AD CVn [Fe/H] = -1.39. AF CVn [Fe/H] = -1.19. AG CVn [Fe/H] = -2.01. AH CVn [Fe/H] = -2.01. AI CVn Radial multiperiod pulsations: P0 = 0.2085d, P1 = 0.1529d, P2 = 0.1259d, P3 = 0.1158d. AK CVn [Fe/H] = -1.19. AM CVn The light curve is a double wave. Min II sometimes disappears. The depth of Min I changes also. Epoch of Min I is given in the Table. P var; dP/dt = +0.012s per year. Elements for 1978 are given in the Table. The brightness fluctuates with the cycle of 115 - 120s, sometimes the periodicity with P = 26.3s is observed. Probably it is a close binary semidetached system of two white dwarfs with an accretion disk and a hot spot. AN CVn [Fe/H] = -1.54. AQ CVn Similar to horizontal branch stars in globular clusters. A flare lasting 20 minutes was observed. BF CVn G 123-75 = G 164-32. VB A (B = G 164-31, 13.16m, dM3.5e; 17", 225deg). Flares in the combined light of the system (Delta(U) up to 0.95m) were observed. BG CVn P1 = 1186s, P2 = 780s. BH CVn SB. Reflection effect Delta(m) = 0.013V. BI CVn Min II 10.70. P var? CS CVn HIPPARCOS data contradict the luminosity class V. alf 2 CVn VB A (B 5.60m, F0V, 19.6", 228deg). Epoch of Min is given. R CMa Min II 5.78. P var [03280, 06314]. The star shows anomalies of the light curve [03281, 03282]. V CMa VB B (A = CPD -31deg 1311, 9.4 m; B 16", 90deg). Z CMa Strong IR excess. Shell spectrum. Several lines show P Cyg profiles. The star is located in a nebula rich in details. A bright wisp of nebulosity near the star has continuons spectrum, probably identical to that of the star [04002]. RR CMa Min II 13.1. RT CMa Min II 11.5. P = 1.293745d is possible taking into account the epoch from [03283]. RX CMa d = 0.027P. Min II 11.1. P var. During JD2441700 - 43000 - see Table. RZ CMa P var? Since JD2435500 - see Table. SW CMa Min II 9.9. Min II = JD2426709.366; Min II - Min I = 0.316P. SX CMa Min II 10.3. TU CMa Min II 10.1. UW CMa Min II 5.25. Gaseous streams, expanding gaseous envelope. Minima are asymmetric; other peculiarities of the light are observed. A number of spectral lines have P Cyg profiles. The line profiles are observed to vary with the phase of the orbital period, and also ([07227], according to Sanyal) with characteristic time <1h. UX CMa Min II 12.3. VW CMa Min II 9.1. VY CMa ADS 6033 A (B 9.2m, 0.5", 168deg; C 11.5m, 2.7", 291deg, D 11m, 2.9", 347deg, ...). H2O, OH, SiO maser. B - V: +2.3. In the region of the young open cluster NGC 2362. Embedded in a reflecting nebula. The companions may be details of the nebula; some of them are probably variable [02159, 03287]. Surrounded by an envelope of gas and dust or a disk of 0.45" (lambda = 5 mkm) angular size. Secular decrease of brightness since 1801. Cyclic variations of brightness with Delta(m) from several tenths of a magnitude to 3m on time scale from 200d to 1900d. TiO and ScO emission bands in the spectrum. Spectroscopic studies [03287, 05282, 06133]. WW CMa RR, Max = 2428570.09 + 0.499355d*E [00613]. CEP, Max = 2428146.6 + 5.7660d*E [00514]. These systems of elements are contradicted by 94 photographic observations (Erleksova) and 12 photoelectric observations (Irwin, [03288]). XY CMa d = 0.04P:. ZZ CMa Min II 13.0. AE CMa d = 0.02P:. AN CMa d = 0.02P:. AO CMa In the field of the open cluster Ruprecht 18. AR CMa d = 0.025P:. AS CMa d = 0.04P. BN CMa Min II 14.9. BQ CMa In the region of the open cluster NGC 2354. BS CMa Min II 14.5. CC CMa Mean brightness varies? CE CMa Min II 13.3. Min II - Min I = 0.663P. CH CMa Min II 12.9. CK CMa Min II 15.4. CM CMa Min II 13.1. CO CMa Mean brightness probably varies with P ~700d. CR CMa Min II 12.4. CV CMa Min II 13.5. DII = 0.09P. Min II - Min I = 0.358P. CW CMa Min II 8.94. SB2. CX CMa Min II 10.3. DD CMa Min II 11.8. DE CMa Min II 13.4. DS CMa VB A (B 15.8m, 10", 130deg). DV CMa JD2425300 - 27500: P - see Table; since JD2428000 P ~400d. EF CMa d = 0.02P. EW CMa VB Delta(m) <= 0.5m, 0.102", 112.1deg, 1952.203). SB (P = 0.261975d). Brightness variations are not related to the orbital phase. Shell star (probably an extended atmosphere of one of the components and the common shell around the system). Spectral studies [4592 - 4596]. EX CMa Was faint for 2 nights (October 8 and 9, 1962). EY CMa P var, Delta(m) var [03960]. The main wave is superimposed by secondary ones (P = 0.2033d and 0.1690d); beat effect, Pb ~2.00d [07243]. EZ CMa SB. In the centre of the ring HII region S 308. Member of the open cluster collinder 121. Epoch of Max light is given. The companion is probably a neutron star. The shape of the light curve, Delta(m), phases of maxima and minima and mean light vary from one observational season to another. FF CMa Min II 7.6. Elements should be improved. Member of the open cluster Cr 132a. FM CMa Min II is almost as deep as Min I [06585]. FN CMa VB (6.3m, 7.5m, 0.561", 115.8deg, 1978.15). Range of combined light variation is given in the Table. Associated with the nebula vB 95. According to [06135], the period considerably differs from the tabulated value. FQ CMa Min II 9.7. FR CMa ADS 4978 AB (6.2m, 10.4m, 4", 23deg; C 11.62m, 56"). FS CMa Extended shell of gas and dust. Emissions of [FeII], [NiII], [CrII], [SII], [OI], FeII. IR excess (1.6 - 20 mkm). P Cyg profiles of Balmer lines vary in the time scale of hours. Brightness varies from night to night by 0.1m and during a night by 0.03m, sometimes in correlation with spectral changes [06636]. Spectral studies [07250, 07251, 07253]. FT CMa VB A (B 12.58m, 36", 97deg). FU CMa VB A (B 14.7m, 14", 230deg, 1897; C 11.07m, 40", 225deg). FW CMa VR var, P = 31.9045d [06154]. FZ CMa Min II 8.44. In the HII region S 295, in the association CMa OB1. GG CMa Member of the open cluster Cr 132a. GU CMa ADS 5713 AB (7.5m, 8.2m, 0.6", 187deg, 1919). SB? In the HII region S 293. GY CMa According to [08380], does not vary. GZ CMa SB2. HK CMa Epoch of Min is given. HL CMa 1E 0643.0-1648. SB (P ~0.217d); Lx/Lopt var (0.002 - 1). IU CMa Type LBV: is also possible. MO CMa The amplitude can have been overestimated (M. Grenon, private communication). NO CMa Type LBV: is also possible. bet CMa In 1971 - 72 the observations were described by the combination of the tabulated elements (period P1) and the following systems of elements: Max = 2441296.0705 + 0.251300d*E, (P2); Max = 2441296.032 + 0.23904d*E, (P3); Max = 2441296.065 + 0.12501d*E, (P1/2); Max = 2441296.124 + 0.12565d*E, (P2/2). Beat periods: 49.198d, 5.442d, 4.900d. Since 1908 P1 increases, P2 decreases. 12 overtone and resonance periods were found in [03454]. ksi 1 CMa ADS 5176 A (B 14.5m, 25", 147deg; C 14.0m, 29", 303deg, 1897). sig CMa ADS 5719 A (14.2m, 11", 153deg, 1926). tau CMa SB, Porb = 154.90d. ome CMa SB? R CMi SC4/10e. T CMi P var. Max = 2422456 + 324.2d*E (JD2416610 - 22800); Max = 2430896 + 311.2d*E (JD2423090 - 30900); since JD2430900 - see Table. U CMi There is a hump on the ascending branch looking sometimes as a secondary maximum. The light curve for 1904 - 1970 [07368]. X CMi P var? Delta(S) = 3. RS CMi d = 0.02P:. RX CMi Min II 14.6; Min II - Min I = 0.52P:. RY CMi Min II 12.0:. SX CMi DI <= 0.12P. Min II 13.6. SY CMi P var. Max = 2425234.682 + 0.565900d*E (JD2425234 - 708); since JD2436586 - see Table. TU CMi Min II 15.1. TW CMi Min II 15.6. TX CMi Min II 14.7. UZ CMi Min II 12.1. XZ CMi Min II 9.88. P var? YY CMi Min II 8.88. YZ CMi mu = 0.604", P = 221.4deg. Epoch of Min is given. P var; additional term: -0.00003919514d*E*(E + 1)/2. Periodical light variations with the amplitude 0.12m (11.26 - 11.38 V) are superimposed by strong flares. AG CMi P var. Min = 2434698.670 + 1.6645729d*E (JD2426350 - 34740) [01727]. Since JD2437650 - see Table. AH CMi EW? AK CMi Min II 10.3; Min II - Min I = 0.55P. P var. Min I = 2425352.348 + 0.56589534d*E (JD2424880 - 35550) [01728]. Since JD2435600 - see Table. AL CMi Observations in the interval JD2424880 - 25950 are represented by the elements: Max = 2425243.631 + 0.55050d*E. Since JD2436590 - see Table. AM CMi Min II 10.5. AN CMi d = 0.02P:. AO CMi d = 0.01P:. Min II 14.5. BF CMi Depth of Min II 0.05m:. BO CMi Several episodes of outburst-like activity. RS Cap Mean brightness varies with P = 3360d. RT Cap VB A (B 15m, 26", 227deg). RU Cap VB A (B 13.6m, 1.6", 86deg). RV Cap

var: Max = 2424334.6612 + 0.44775262d*E (JD2417400 - 33610) [00323]. Since JD2433850 - see Table. Light curve and period vary with the Blazhko effect period Pi = 225.5d [06464]. Semiamplitude of deviations from linear elements is +-0.032d. 0.14P <= M - m <= 0.25P. (k - b)2 = 0.05. RW Cap d = 0.020P. Min II 9.9. P var. Min I = 2418924.594 + 3.3923922d*E (JD2418920 - 24000) [06774]; Min I = 2424003.014 + 3.3923457d*E (JD2424000 - 34500) [02389]; since JD2435400 - see Table. RX Cap Min II 12.5. RY Cap VB B (A 7.1m, F0; B 6.6", 90deg; C 12.0m, 8.5", 58deg). TV Cap

= 67d [01331]. TW Cap P var. P = 28.6421871d (JD2414000 - 17600); P = 28.61700115d (JD2417600 - 24000) [01331]; Max = 2426211.90 + 28.59497d*E (JD2421400 - 26200) [02390]; Max = 2435664.8 + 28.5578d*E (JD2426210 - 37500) [02309]; since JD2437500 - see Table. 0.14P <= M - m <= 0.40P. [Fe/H] = -0.72. TY Cap Min II 10.6. P var. Min I hel = 2432017.956 + 1.423466D*E (JD2425500 - 35000); since JD2435000 - see Table. UW Cap Min II 11.5; Min II - Min I = 0.5P. P var? Min I = 2434627.290 + 1.399118d*E (JD2427000 - 35000); since JD243500 - see Table. YZ Cap (k - b)2 = 0.08. AD Cap Outside eclipses B - V = +1.00. P var? AE Cap Mean brightness varies with P = 2300d. BH Cap Type RR: is also possible. BN Cap The variability may be due to the fainter (B) component. del Cap VB A (B 15.8m, 69", 94deg; C 12.7m, 119", 302deg, 1911); mu = 0.391", P = 138.8deg. Min II 2.90. The light curve shape var? [03305]. eps Cap VB A (B 9.52m, 68.7", 47deg). R Car VB A (B 12m, 2.1", 138deg). H2O, SiO maser. U Car P var. Max = 2429023.80 + 38.753d*E (JD2415000 - 29500); since JD2429500 - see Table. V Car The light curve shape var? X Car Min II 8.6. Y Car VB A (B 12.22m, 15"; C 12.96m, 30"). SB (P = 400 - 600d) [05119]. The fundamental mode period P0 is given in the Table (A = 0.58m). The first overtone period P1 = 2.55954d [05119] (A = 0.28m). P1/P0 = 0.7032. RR Car P var.

= 154d (JD2421500 - 23500);

= 259d (JD2426400 - 30100);

= 154d (JD2430400 - 33100). S6.5/1- . RT Car In the region of the cluster Tr 15. RY Car There is a close companion 14.3 pg. P var. Max = 2418475 + 416d*E (JD2415140 - 18500); Max = 2429901 + 417.3d*E (JD2423600 - 32900); since JD2434100 - see Table. ST Car Depth of Min II 0.27m. SW Car Depth of Min II 0.05m. SZ Car In the region of the cluster NGC 3114. TX Car The light curve shape var? TZ Car Mean brightness varies with P = 1183d; the amplitude of the short cycle is large in mean brightness maximum and small during its minimum. UX Car In the region of the cluster IC 2581. VV Car In the region of the very poor cluster N 99 [07374] (10h 36.0m -58deg 56', 1950.0) embedded in a nebula. VY Car VB A (B 11.07m; B 9V:, 10", 150deg). P var. Nonlinear term: -0.000021d*E**2 (JD2410000 - 44200). The latest observations may be represented also by linear elements: Max = 2444161.16 + 18.9138d*E (JD2441000 - 44200). [A/H] = 0.4. WZ Car P var. Max = 2419981.099 + 23.000945d*E (JD2410000 - 20000) [00025]; Max = 2423984.12 + 23.0054d*E (JD2419800 - 25500) [00322]; Max = 2434914.86 + 23.0075d*E + 0.000025d*E**2 (JD2434500 - 41200) [02309]; since JD2434500 - see also Table. XX Car P var. Max = 2420769.703 + 15.723704d*E (JD2410000 - 22500) [00025]; P = 15.7196d (JD2423000 - 30000) [00003]; since JD2434500 - see Table; elements given in the Table contain a nonlinear term: -0.0000034d*E**2. XY Car [A/H] = 0.1. XZ Car [A/H] = 0.2. YZ Car P var. Nonlinear term: +0.0000022d*E**2. [A/H] = -0.1. AE Car In the region of the cluster NGC 3532. AF Car P var. Max = 2434532 + 433.7d*E (JD2420200 - 34600); since JD2435000 - see Table. AG Car Central star of the low-excitation planetary nebula P.K.289-0.1 ejected probably during a nova-like outburst of the star about 1000 years ago [07052, 07113]. AS Car d = 0.025P. AW Car d = 0.015P. BL Car In the region of the cluster Tr 16. BO Car VB A (B 11.05m V, B8III, 10", 41deg). In the region of the cluster Tr 15. Cluster non-member. BP Car P = 4.82246d? BS Car In the region of the cluster IC 2602. Min II 15.3. BZ Car Mean brightness possibly varies with P = 1800d. CD Car In the centre of the cluster Cr 236. CF Car In the region of the cluster NGC 3496. CI Car In the region of the cluster NGC 3572. d = 0.021P? CO Car d = 0.024P? CV Car d = 0.046P. Depth of Min II 0.05m. DE Car d = 0.016P? DH Car VB B (A 15.2m V; B 13", 350deg). B - V = +0.90m (Min brightness). DI Car Besides Cepheid-like light variations with the amplitude 1.7m and elements Max = 2438553.70 + 29.210d*E (JD2438465 - 40300) [05324] large weakenings of brightness are observed [04678]. At Max B - V = +1.34. DK Car d = 0.07P. DM Car d = 0.040P. DP Car d = 0.034P. Min II 13.1. DS Car d = 0.03P. DU Car In the region of the cluster IC 2602. DW Car In the region of the cluster Cr 228. Min II 10.3. EF Car d = 0.04P. EG Car In the region of the cluster NGC 3532. EH Car VB A (B 15", 320deg). EK Car In the region of the cluster NGC 3532. EM Car Min II 8.9. EN Car In the region of the cluster Tr 18. EQ Car d = 0.030P. Min II 13.7. ER Car In the region of the cluster NGC 3532. ES Car In the region of the cluster NGC 3572. EZ Car Min II 9.8. FI Car P var. Max = 2425446.81 + 13.4542d*E (JD2423790 - 35300) [00046, 02309]. Since JD2435300 - see Table. FK Car VB. FO Car VB A (B 14m, 7", 90deg). P var. Max = 2434922.531 + 10.3559d*E (JD2423700 - 35300) [06006]; since JD2436000 - see Table. B - V: +1.13, +1.43. FP Car d = 0.01P:. FQ Car In the region of the cluster Tr 18. FS Car In the region of the very poor cluster N 99 [07374] (10h 36.0m -58deg 56', 1950.0) embedded in a nebula. Min II 10.9. FT Car According to [02197] spectrum C. Misidentification is possible. FV Car VB A (B 13m, 10", 135deg). P var. There are two additional terms in the elements given in the Table: -0.1065d*10**(-7)*E**2 - 0.584d*10**(-11)*E**3. d = 0.02P:. Min II 13.0. GG Car Min II 9.5. Gas and dust envelope. GH Car In the region of the cluster Tr 18. GK Car In the region of the cluster Tr 19. Min II 13.2. GL Car In the region of the cluster NGC 3572. Min II 10.31. System with the apsidal motion; e = 0.157, omega = 99deg. There are sinusoidal terms in the elements for Min I given in the Table: +0.121d sin(0.094389deg*E) - 0.007d sin(0.188778deg*E); Min II = 2424263.236 + 2.4222338d*E - 0.121d sin(0.094389deg*E) - 0.007d sin(0.188778deg*E). DII = 0.17P. GM Car In the region of the very poor cluster N 99 [07374] (10h 36.0m -58deg 56', 1950.0) embedded in a nebula. Min II 9.22. GN Car Min II 12.1. GO Car VB A (B 15", 60deg). GP Car Min II 12.8. GQ Car Min II 13.5. GR Car Min II 14.0; Min II - Min I = 0.316P; DII = 0.05P. GV Car Possible member of the cluster NGC 3532. Min II 9.1. GW Car Min II 9.9. GZ Car Light elements for the fundamental mode oscillation with an amplitude 0.16m are given in the Table. For the first overtone oscillation with an amplitude 0.07m Max = 2440742.4 + 2.93424d*E. Epochs of maxima and amplitudes are given according to [05175]. HH Car VB A (B 13.0m, 5", 260deg; C 11.11m, 13", 337deg; D 12.65m, 15", 7deg). d = 0.02P. Min II 10.66. P var [08094]. Min I hel = 2430860.162 + 3.2315393d*E (JD2427590 - 35260) [05292]. Possible current elements are given in the Table. HI Car Min II 10.8. HK Car VB A (B 12.5m, 4"). Range of combined brightness variation is given. HL Car d = 0.03P:. HN Car Min II 12.5. HP Car VB A (B 9.1m, 0.4", 178deg). Min II 9.3. Elements should be corrected [08083]. HQ Car B - V: +0.63, +1.04. HR Car Spectrum description [01914, 06466]. HT Car In the region of the cluster IC 2581. Min II 14.0. HV Car d = 0.026P. Min II 14.2. HW Car Epoch of Min is given. HX Car Min II 14.5. IK Car In the region of the cluster NGC 2602. IL Car Min II 14.4. IN Car It is possible that the period must be doubled. IQ Car In the region of the cluster NGC 3532. IR Car In the region of the cluster NGC 3532. Min II 12.6. IS Car Min II 14.0. IU Car (k - b)2 = 0.02. IW Car Mean brightness varies with the period close to 1500d, the amplitude of main oscillations - from 1.3m to 0.3m. IX Car In the centre of a bright nebula with the diameter 2.4'. IZ Car Declination in [00085] is wrong by 3deg. Identical to V336 Car, see [06316]. KQ Car Min II 10.3. KU Car Min II 11.6. MP Car VB A (B 16m, 180deg). MZ Car sf component of a close pair. OO Car Min II 14.7. OV Car Min II 13.5. OY Car Eclipse elements: Min I hel = 2443993.553241 + 0.0631209247d*E [05185]; D = 0.050P, d = 0.044P. The hump on the light curve is observed at the phase of 0.75P. Depth of Min I varies between 1.48m and 2.47m. PT Car Min II 13.0:. PX Car Min II 10.10. QR Car Min II 10.4. QS Car Min II 9.3. QU Car HDE 310376 (HA 112, 173). Flickering resembles V818 Sco. Variations by 0.2m in 90s were observed. No periodicity was found. Emission lines He II 4686, CIV - NIII 4630 - 4650 and sometimes weak hydrogen absoptions (corresponding to A or B type) are noticeable in the spectrum [05643]. QX Car Min II 7.02. QY Car In the open cluster No.90 [07374]. QZ Car In the eta Carina nebula, possible member of the cluster Collinder 228. Min II 6.43. Two SB1 systems (A and B), B is eclipsing (A: SB1, P = 20.73d, O9.5 I, Delta(m) = 0.6m). Combined brightness is given. V0341 Car In the variable reflecting nebula IC 2220. In the region of the open cluster NGC 2516. IR excess. V0343 Car VB. SB (P = 133.92d). V0347 Car Deep Min II. V0348 Car In the open cluster IC 2581. Min II 8.9. V0354 Car Very red. V0356 Car Member of the cluster NGC 2516. V0357 Car SB (P = 6.74483d [04627]). V0361 Car In the region of the cluster NGC 3293. V0365 Car In the region of the cluster NGC 3532. V0367 Car Min II 7.54. V0373 Car Member of the cluster NGC 2516. V0374 Car Member of the cluster NGC 2516. V0375 Car P = 0.264d or 0.359d. V0376 Car VB A (B 6.83m, B 9.5V, 41", 75deg). V0378 Car In the open cluster NGC 3293. V0379 Car In the open cluster NGC 3293. V0380 Car In the open cluster NGC 3293. V0381 Car In the open cluster NGC 3293. V0382 Car In the region of the cluster NGC 3532. V0385 Car Depth of Min II 0.04m. Surrounded by a ring nebula RCW 58. V0491 Car Mean magnitude 9.69. V0493 Car SB, Porb = 3.368d. V0498 Car Type BE: is also possible. V0534 Car Flare-like activity. eta Car In the emission nebula NGC 3372 in the region of the cluster Tr 16. A very massive young star surrounded by an expanding gas and dust shell with the diameter 2" at 2mu and 6.5" at 12.2mu. Maximum brightness was observed in 1843. Since 1880 varies in the range 5.9 - 7.9 V. In the interval JD2434000 - 41000 Max = 2434037 + 1110d*E. There are emission lines of H, HeI, FeII, [FeII], etc. in the spectrum. Description of the spectrum [05251, 07279]. Soft X-ray source of variable intensity. khi Car Soft X-ray source. R Cas VB A (B 14.5m, 14", 273deg). SiO, OH maser; sometimes H2O emission. T Cas SiO maser. ZrO bands in the infrared spectral region. U Cas S4.5/4e. W Cas SC5/9e. X Cas P var: Max = 2426650 + 432.32d*E (JD2416750 - 27060); Max = 2432870 + 413.6d*E (JD2427060 - 32870); Max = 2437948 + 423.0d*E (JD2432870 - 39210). Current elements are given in the Table. Y Cas OH, H2O emission; SiO maser. Z Cas SiO maser. RS Cas P var. Max = 2416942.16 + 6.29552d*E (JD2412650 - 34900) [03317]. Since JD2434900 - see Table. RV Cas There are signs of Se type in the spectrum [03383]. RW Cas P var. Max = 2421354.22 + 14.8004d*E (JD2417000 - 30000). Since JD2430000 - see Table. [A/H] = 0.3. RX Cas Unigue rapidly evolving eclipsing system. 9.12<=Min II<=9.49; Min II - Min I = 0.5070P. P var. Nonlinear term: +1.017d*10**(-5)*E**2. Observations may be represented also by three systems of elements: Min I = 2416250.889 + 32.31481d*E (0 <= E <= 286, JD2416250 - 25482); Min I = 2416248.835 + 32.32145d*E (331 <= E <= 554, JD2426940 - 34155); Min I = 2416244.990 + 32.32765d*E (734 <= E <= 876, JD2439970 - 44570). Brightness of the system out of eclipses periodically varies within 8.6m - 9.0m with elements Max = 2416198 + 516.06d*E [05036]. Max - Min = 233d = 0.45P [00881]. Strong emissions of H, NV, CIV, SIIV, FeIII. Powerful gaseous stream and accretion phenomena are possible. RY Cas [A/H] = 0.0. RZ Cas Min II 6.26. The light curve shape var; d var (0.000P <= d <= 0.009P). P var, variations are irregular. Mean elements based on visual and photographic observations: Min I = 2416886.8806 + 1.195253065d*E (JD2416800 - 26700) [08820], Min I = 2432820.7853 + 1.1952517d*E (JD2426700 - 34000) [00938]. From photoelectric observations: Min I = 2432115.5827 + 1.1952472d*E (JD2429870 - 30400); Min I = 2432085.7011 + 1.195259d*E (JD2432000 - 32460); Min I = 2434349.5130 + 1.1952525d*E (JD2432450 - 34420); Min I = 2434703.3035 + 1.195238d*E (JD2434420 - 34705); Min I = 2435934.4087 + 1.1952499d*E (JD2434705 - 35950); Min I = 2438829.2818 + 1.195243d*E (JD2436800 - 39100); Min I = 2440182.3089 + 1.195259d*E (JD2439380 - 40200); Min I = 2441333.3257 + 1.195244d*E (JD2440500 - 41350); Min I = 2442327.7798 + 1.1952521d*E (JD2441550 - 42350); since JD2442850 - see Table. SU Cas [A/H] = -0.1. SV Cas P var. Max = 2421839 + 279.3d*E (JD2417600 - 21900); Max = 2430450 + 281.7d*E (JD2422500 - 31900); since JD2432600 - see Table. SX Cas VB A (B 11.5m, 19", 250deg, 1966). Min II 9.32. The light curve shape var. DII = 0.171P:, dI = 0.036P, dII = 0.050P. P var. Min I = 2433963.267 + 36.56727d*E (JD2418000 - 37000); since JD2438700 - see Table. Strong emissions of H, NV, CIV, SIIV, FeIII. Gaseous streams and accretion phenomena. SY Cas VB? P var. Max = 2417911.547 + 4.070969d*E (JD2417000 - 34000); since JD2434000 - see Table. SZ Cas P var. Max = 2421261.66 + 13.6009d*E (JD2416700 - 21260); Max = 2426650.20 + 13.6072d*E (JD2421260 - 27170) [08821]; Max = 2429727.240 + 13.61744d*E (JD2427170 - 33050); Max = 2436810.92 + 13.62655d*E (JD2433050 - 38720); since JD2438720 - see Table. [A/H] = -0.6. TU Cas Fundamental mode period P0 is given in the Table; the corresponding amplitude is 0.69m. First-overtone period P1 = 1.51830d; the corresponding mean amplitude decreased from 0.4m to 0.25m during 67 years [05078]. P1/P0 = 0.71. M - m var (0.17P <= M - m <= 0.35P). TV Cas d = 0.01P. Min II 7.34. The light curve shape var. Period of these variations - 600d [08822]. P var. Mean elements based on visual and photographic observations: Min I = 2432827.7665 + 1.81260983d*E (JD2415650 - 32800) [01926]. From photoelectric observations Min I = 2432827.7665 + 1.8126142d*E (JD2432800 - 36490); Min I = 2436483.8091 + 1.81255d*E (JD2436480 - 36980); Min I = 2438472.2386 + 1.81263d*E (JD2437000 - 38500); Min I = 2438829.3230 + 1.8126048d*E (JD2438470 - 41750); since JD2441750 - see Table. TW Cas Min II 8.40. TX Cas Min II 9.6. TY Cas P var. Max = 2419260 + 545.0d*E (JD2419200 - 25300); Max = 2428965 + 623.8d*E (JD2427000 - 41500); since JD2441500 - see Table. UU Cas Min II 10.5. UZ Cas [A/H] = -0.3. VV Cas P var. Max = 2422514.16 + 6.207510d*E (JD2417000 - 32500); since JD2432500 - see Table. [A/H] = -0.2. VW Cas [A/H] = 0.0. WY Cas In the region of the cluster NGC 7789. The spectrum of the G type star is seen in minimum light [03502]. The existence of a physical companion is possible. S6/6-e. WZ Cas VB A (optical companion B 8.7m, 58", 89deg). SC7/10e. Light variations are sometimes taking place with doubled period. XX Cas Min II 10.2. YZ Cas VB A (B 11.23m, 35", 160deg). d = 0.045P. Min II 5.78. ZZ Cas Min II 10.9. AB Cas EA/SD. Min II 10.28. P var. Min I = 2430755.678 + 1.366863d*E (JD2425400 - 33150); Min I = 2433616.532 + 1.366876d*E (JD2433150 - 37000); Min I = 2440475.5216 + 1.3668783d*E (JD2437000 - 41600); since JD2441600 - see Table. The A3 component is a DSCT type variable with the elements: Max hel = 2444912.1759 + 0.0582874d*E [08825]; amplitude of pulsations Delta(V) var (0.03m <= Delta(V) <= 0.09m). AE Cas Min II 12.8. AH Cas Min II 13.3. AL Cas Min II 13.6. AO Cas Min II 6.24. The light curve shape var. P var? AQ Cas Min II 10.4. AR Cas VB A (B 9.3m, 1.0", 336deg; C 8.2m, 75", 269deg; D 9.8m, 76", 268deg; E 11.28m, 43", 115deg; F 11.06m, 69", 338deg; G 11.11m, 67", 348deg). Min II 4.86; Min II - Min I = 0.614P; DII = 0.076P; dII = 0.037P. AS Cas VB A (B 15.5m, 3", 45deg). Fundamental mode period P0 is given in the Table; the corresponding amplitude is 0.59m. First-overtone period P1 = 2.2909d; amplitude of oscillations with this period is 0.13m. P1/P0 = 0.76. AX Cas Min II 12.9. AZ Cas B - V: +1.78, +2.20. D = 110d, d = 88d = 0.026P. BD Cas B - V: +1.50, +1.61. P var. Max = 2429124.84 + 3.65129d*E (JD2415000 - 29130) [00915]; since JD2429130 - see Table. BE Cas VB A (B G, 25", 260deg). BH Cas According to [00453] there are no variable stars on the place of BH Cas and in its surroundings. BM Cas Min II 8.98. Shape of the light curve varies. P var. There is a periodic term in the elements: +2.6d*sin(7.11deg*E + 104deg).According to [00939], on the light curve cepheid-like variations are observed with P = 27d. BN Cas Min II 13.4. BS Cas Min II 12.6. BU Cas D = 0.02P. BY Cas In the region of the cluster NGC 663. P var. Max = 2416871.91 + 3.2218d*E (JD2416800 - 24860) [00921]; Max = 2431929.60 + 3.221297d*E (JD2426900 - 34300); Max = 2438399.629 + 3.222588d*E (JD2436200 - 39400); since JD2439400 - see Table. BZ Cas Min II 11.5. CC Cas Min II 7.26. The light curve shape var? P var? CE CasA Possible member of the cluster NGC 7790. VB A (B = CEb Cas, 2.4", 265deg). CE CasB VB B (A = CEa Cas). Possible member of the cluster NGC 7790. CF Cas Possible member of the cluster NGC 7790. [A/H] = 0.1. CG Cas In the region of the cluster NGC 7790. CH Cas [A/H] = -0.5. CQ Cas The slow oscillations are superimposed by more rapid ones with cycles from 110d to 250d. CR Cas Min II 13.3. CS Cas [A/H] = -0.4. CV Cas Epochs given in [00922] are not represented by the elements given in the Table. P var? CW Cas Min II 11.47. Shape of the light curve and depths of minima vary. P var. Min I = 2435745.6163 + 0.31886497d*E (JD2432400 - 41000) [03332]; since JD2441000 - see Table. CY Cas [A/H] = -0.7. DD Cas P var. Max = 2415612.45 + 9.807272d*E (JD2415600 - 18600); since JD2418600 - see Table. The star may be a member of a binary system with Porb = 8500d +- 1000d. DF Cas In the region of the cluster NGC 1027. DI Cas P var. Max = 2432068 + 371.7d*E (JD2417200 - 32100); since JD2432100 - see Table. DL Cas Member of the cluster NGC 129. [A/H] = 0.0. DN Cas Min II 10.13. DO Cas Min II 8.61; dI = 0.08P. DP Cas Min II 13.6. DZ Cas Min II 12.0. EG Cas Min II 13.1. EK Cas Depth of Min II 0.05m. EM Cas P var. Max = 2433132 + 283d*E (JD2427700 - 33150); since JD2433150 - see Table. Amplitude strongly varies. EN Cas Min II 12.4. P var. EP Cas Min II 11.4. EQ Cas Min II 12.7. P var. Min I = 2432150.04 + 58.26d*E (JD2432200 - 34060) [03336]; since JD2436100 - see Table. EY Cas Min II 14.5. GG Cas d = 0.013P. Min II 9.99. P var? Min I = 2430188.468 + 3.758738d*E (JD2424800 - 39500) [00936]; since JD2439500 - see Table. GK Cas Depth of Min II 0.05m. GT Cas d = 0.02P. GU Cas Min II 11.3. P var. Min I = 2428749.423 + 3.093329d*E (JD2417470 - 35480) [00941]; Min I = 2437367.375 + 3.09325d*E (JD2435480 - 38750) [00001]; since JD2438750 - see Table. GZ Cas Mean magnitude varies with P = 800d. Max = 2428000 + 800d*E [00911]. HH Cas Epoch of Min is given. RV type is possible [00911]. HN Cas d = 0.038P. HS Cas VB A (B 12m, 27", 15deg). HT Cas Min hel = 2443727.93722 + 0.073647217d*E; D = 0.13P. Depth of eclipses between outbursts is ~2.4 V. Small quasi-periodic light oscillations with P = 100s. Spectrum description [06163]. HU Cas P var. Max = 2417525.075 + 0.41159875d*E (JD2411600 - 28000); since JD2428000 - see Table. IL Cas Depth of Min II 0.05m. IR Cas Min II 11.5. P var. Min I = 2428750.2914 + 0.68069178d*E (JD2417500 - 38400) [00098]; since JD2438400 - see Table. IS Cas Min II 12.2. P var. Min I = 2428776.262 + 1.8415172d*E (JD2417400 - 29500) [00098]; since JD2428000 - see Table. IT Cas Min II 11.8; Min II - Min I = 0.553P; DII = 0.042P. Apsidal motion is possible. IV Cas Min II 11.3. P var. Min I = 2428991.302 + 0.9985232d*E (JD2416700 - 29000) [00098]; Min I = 2431438.648 + 0.9985056d*E (JD2429000 - 37700) [02263]; since JD2440000 - see Table. IW Cas S4 +/6e. IX Cas P var. Max = 2428749.39 + 9.15035d*E (JD2414700 - 29500) [00098]; Max = 2428749.90 + 9.1363d*E (JD2428700 - 34350) [00944]; Max = 2437195.642 + 9.14783d*E (JD2434350 - 39100) [05462]; since JD2442000 - see Table. [A/H] = -0.4. KL Cas Min II 12.3. KO Cas P var. Max = 2425590 + 305.6d*E (JD2416700 - 26000); since JD2426000 - see Table. KR Cas Min II 9.9. LR Cas Min II 10.9. LU Cas Min II 14.3? LW Cas In the apex of a small (8") bright cometary nebula in the region of IC 1848. Novalike outburst was observed in the interval JD2433900 - 34800. Infrared and radioemission. LX Cas In the region of the cluster Collinder 33. Min II 15.3; Min II - Min I = 0.47P; dI = 0.10P. LY Cas In the region of the cluster Collinder 33. Min II 15.2. MM Cas d = 0.08P: Min II 12.4. MN Cas Min II 10.57. MO Cas In the nebula NGC 7635. 10.2 - 13.1 I. MP Cas In the nebula NGC 7635. 10.4 - 13.5 I. MR Cas Min II 15.5. MS Cas Min II 13.2. MT Cas d = 0.04P. Min II 14.02. MU Cas Min II 10.8. MV Cas Min II 14.0. MY Cas Min II 15.2. P var. Elements given in the Table are valid since JD2438500. NN Cas Min II 14.0. NT Cas Min II 14.4. NU Cas Min II 13.4. NV Cas d = 0.03P. OP Cas P var. Max = 2429109.726 + 5.510019d*E (JD2427950 - 34670) [00176]; since JD2437000 - see Table. OR Cas Min II 11.8. P var. Min I = 2429249.424 + 1.2457026d*E (JD2413800 - 34800) [00176]; since JD2432000 - see Table. OX Cas In the region of the cluster NGC 381. d = 0.016P. Min II 10.30; Min II - Min I = 0.512P. Apsidal motion [04524]. PR Cas P = 171d? PV Cas Min II 10.36; Min II - Min I = 0.480P. Depth of Minima probably varies. P var. Min I = 2428796.8142 + 1.75047346d*E (JD2415700 - 40000) [05302]; since JD2440000 - see Table. Apsidal motion [06253]: Min II = 2428797.6894 + 1.75047346d*E - 0.040d*sin(0.0075deg*(E - 3000)). PX Cas Min II 15.0. PY Cas Epoch of Min brighness is given. Similar to RV Tau by light curve shape [03348]. PZ Cas VB A (B 12.8m, WN 8:, 15", 100deg). OH, H2O emission. QQ Cas Min II 10.8. P var. Min I = 2434330.169 + 2.142030d*E (JD2415700 - 30000) [02530]; since JD2430000 - see Table. QX Cas In the region of the cluster NGC 7790. VB A (B 13.1m, 3"). Min II 10.50; Min II - Min I = 0.37P; DII = 0.047P; dII = 0.018P. V0336 Cas Min II 13.6. V0341 Cas d = 0.031P. V0344 Cas Min II 13.4. V0345 Cas Min II 13.6. V0346 Cas The coordinates refer to the sp component of a wide pair, whereas the chart [02345] leads to the nf component. It is the sp component that is red and probably var. V0357 Cas Min II 13.6. V0359 Cas Min II 12.0. V0360 Cas Min II 12.3. V0361 Cas d = 0.051P. V0363 Cas Delta(S) = 1. V0364 Cas Min II 11.9. V0365 Cas S6/3- . V0366 Cas Min II 12.7. P var. Min I = 2435075.461 + 0.7292714d*E (JD2414600 - 35400) [02305]; since JD2434650 - see Table. V0373 Cas An unique close binary. Porb = 13.4192d [04627]. Epoch of Min I is given close to the epoch of one of conjunctions. Min II - Min I = 0.58P. Maxima are very sharp. Max - Min II = 0.25P. It is not excluded that the star is an eclipsing one with physical variability of components, but eclipses, if they exist, cause only a very small part of the observed light variations. Range of light variations is given according to [02651]. As a rule the amplitude is close to 0.1m. V0374 Cas Min II 12.1. V0375 Cas Min II 10.6. V0377 Cas VB (A 8.5m; B 9.4m, 2.1", 185deg, 1962).It is not known which component varies. According to [04005] the range of combined brightness variations is 0.26m. According to [07051], const. V0380 Cas d = 0.08P. V0381 Cas Min II 10.8. V0388 Cas Wolf 47 (mu = 0.82", p = 80deg). Faint component of a wide physical pair (p = 294") the bright component of which is the dM2 star Wolf 46 = BD+61deg 195 (9.4). V0392 Cas Min II 14.0. P var. Min I = 2429640.390 + 4.54094d*E (JD2425300 - 29640); Min I = 2429640.390 + 4.54064d*E (JD2429640 - 36900) [04027]; since JD2436900 - see Table. Depth of Min var? V0394 Cas Min II 15.6. V0396 Cas Min II 10.2. V0399 Cas Min II 14.1. V0401 Cas Min II 15.7. V0402 Cas Min II 15.3. V0406 Cas Min II 16.8. V0410 Cas Bright in 1938 -39. Slow. Not red. V0423 Cas Min II 14.3. V0427 Cas Min II 13.7. V0428 Cas Red. V0430 Cas Northern component of a close pair. Red. V0434 Cas Red. V0441 Cas P = 351.2d? V0442 Cas d = 0.025P. P var? Since 1972 P = 3.592120d. V0444 Cas Min II 16.0. P var. Min I = 2438651.314 + 2.224808d*E (JD2432850 - 37300); since JD2437300 - see Table. Period variation may be cyclic. Mean elements: Min I = 2443194.258 + 2.224773d*E. V0445 Cas Min II 11.08. V0448 Cas Min II 15.0. V0450 Cas VB A (B 17.5m:, 3.4", 188deg). Range of combined light variations is given. V0459 Cas Min II 11.6. V0466 Cas In the region of the cluster NGC 457. V0480 Cas Min II 14.7. V0482 Cas VB A (B 10.0m, F 4 V, 6", 195deg; optical). P = 0.28292d? V0497 Cas In the region of the cluster IC 1848. V0498 Cas In the region of the cluster IC 1848. V0499 Cas In the region of the cluster IC 1848. V0509 Cas Pulsation of photosphere with P = 3 years. Tenuous shell ejected in 1975 is now falling back to the star. V0518 Cas In the region of the cluster Stock 2. Star N136 (Stock 208). V0520 Cas Min II 13.1. P var. Min I = 2439069.559 + 0.489832d*E (JD2438580 - 40850); since JD2441150 - see Table. V0521 Cas Member of the cluster NGC 7789. V0523 Cas Min II 11.34. P var. Min I = 2432054.555 + 0.2336882d*E (JD2428545 - 33570) [07008]; Min I = 2439029.461 + 0.23368912d*E (JD2439000 - 41300) [07387]; since JD2440480 - see Table. V0524 Cas OH, H2O emission. P = 163d?, 191d? 259d?, 620d? V0526 Cas Two oscillations are superimposed: P1 = 0.0526d (A1 = 0.0036m), P2 = 0.0396d (A2 = 0.0056m); P2/P1 = 0.753. V0527 Cas Min II 13.5; Min II - Min I = 0.52P. V0532 Cas In the region of the cluster NGC 7789. V0533 Cas In the region of the cluster NGC 7789. V0536 Cas P var. Max = 2438700.262 + 0.395674d*E (JD2438580 - 39150); Max = 2441186.333 + 0.395683D*E (JD2440070 - 41250); since JD2441500 - see Table. V0540 Cas Epoch of Max (U) is given. V0541 Cas Min II 11.0. V0542 Cas In the region of the cluster NGC 7789. V0544 Cas Elements given in the Table are valid since JD2428000. V0546 Cas In the region of the cluster NGC 103. Min II 14.8. V0547 Cas VB A (B 12.4m, M4.5, 2.8", 93deg). Astrometric binary (A = 0.12", P = 15.9a); mu = 1.75", P = 98deg. Variation of combined light is given. V0551 Cas P = 45.5d?/57d?/67.5d?. V0554 Cas P >= 3500d? D = 400d? V0559 Cas VB A (B 7.7m, 0.25", 34deg, 1976). Min II 7.21. V0566 Cas VB A (B 8.3m, 1.4", 194deg, 1965). V0569 Cas 10.0 - 14.7 I. V0589 Cas In the cluster NGC 663. V0592 Cas White dwarf. Rapid non-periodic fluctuations of brightness on a time scale of several minutes. V0598 Cas VB A (B 12m, 19", 0deg). P = 2.825d? [02560]. V0615 Cas Variable radio source on 10.5 GHz; gamma - and X-ray source? V0627 Cas H2O emission. V0635 Cas 4U 0115 + 634. SB (P = 24.3162d). Pulsar period P = 3.6136s. V0638 Cas Epoch of Min is given. V0742 Cas SB, Porb = 55.9212d. V0745 Cas Component B of the double system observed brighter than in the Hipparcos Input Catalogue. V0746 Cas SB, Porb = 27.8d. V0747 Cas VB. The variability may be due to the fainter component. alf Cas VB A (B 14.5m, 17.6", 272deg; C 13.5m, 38", 105deg; D 8.5m, 64.4", 280deg.) bet Cas VB A (B 13.7m, 31.3", 243deg); SB (P = 27d). [Fe/H] = 0.64. gam Cas VB A (B 11.0m, 2.2", 248deg; C 13.0m, 52.2", 348deg). In HII region S 185. X-ray source MX 0053 + 60. v sin i = 310 km/s. del Cas VB A (B 11.5m, 31.7", 66deg). Min II 2.75. Min II - Min I = 361d. The elements given in the Table are still not confirmed by anyone. iot Cas VB A (B 6.89m, 2.3", 239deg; C 8.40m, 7.2", 114deg). Astrometric binary (a = 0.113", P = 52.4a). Max (V) - Max (lambda 1550) = 0.4P; A (lambda 1550) = 0.40m. The range of total brightness variation of components A and B is given. kap Cas P = 0.09028d, P(Vr) = 0.14035d [02588]; P = 7d [08876]. omi Cas VB A (B 11.7m, 33.6", 303deg). SB1 (P = 1033d); V sin I = 220 km/s. pi Cas SB, Porb = 1.9642d. rho Cas Usually varies within the limits 4.4m - 5.2m V. In November 1945 the peculiar decrease of brightness began lasting for 165d and in September 1946 the star reached the middle of the deepest minimum (JD2432070) lasting for 320d. Then the brightness began to increase symmetrically and by July 1947 the star attained its normal brightness [00957]. Photographic magnitudes varied in the limits 5.4m - 8.3m. Spectrum description [08878]. B Cas Tycho Brahe's supernova. Stellar object is not identified optically up to now. R Cen VB A (B 12m, 28", 218deg). Epoch of Min I is given. Min I 0.00P, Max I 0.23P, Min II 0.47P, Max II 0.64P. 5.8, 6.0, 11.1, 8.3. P var. P = 561.3d before 1918; since 1918 - see Table. H2O maser. V Cen In the field of the open cluster NGC 5662. Z Cen SN 1895 (NGC 5253). RR Cen Min II 7.63. dII = 0.08P. P var. Min I = 2424231.0910 + 0.60568807d*E + 2.31d*10**(-10)*E**2 (JD2414170 - 33470) [00006]. Current elements - see Table. RS Cen A 1118-61? RT Cen P var. RZ Cen Min II 9.4. SS Cen Min II 9.5. ST Cen Min II 11.30, DII = 0.22P. Max II (before Min I) 10.65. SU Cen Min II 9.2. SV Cen Min II 9.45. Delta(m) var. P var. Min = 2433053.358 + 1.6594795d*E - 7.61d*10**(-8)*E**2 (JD2412608 - 42097). Cyclic (32a - 33.6a) period variations were noted in [00009, 05212]. Since 1978 - see Table. P Cyg profiles in the spectrum. SX Cen For mean light Max = 2426835 + 615d*E. SY Cen d = 0.05P. SZ Cen VB. Min II 8.7. TX Cen VB? B - V: +1.39, +2.11. TZ Cen The co-ordinates in the Table are based on [00015]. According to [00016], no star brighter than 14m was found in this position. The co-ordinates in [00015] may be in error. UW Cen IR excess.In Max varies semiregularly, P ~42d [08832]. UZ Cen VB A (B 13.8m, 4", 191deg). Max II = 2440746.2 + 2.35529d*E. VW Cen VB A (B ~15m?, ~8", ~180deg). B - V: +1.01, +1.71. [A/H] = 0.3. VZ Cen Min II 8.4. WX Cen ~ +0.45, ~ -0.72. Proposed as an optical counterpart of the transient X-ray source Cen X-2 [05314], though no optical bursts were observed. WZ Cen Min II 14.2. ZZ Cen VB C (A 9.4m, B9; B 10.8m, 8", 314deg; C = ZZ Cen, 9", 259deg; D = AA Cen, 9", 110deg). AA Cen VB D (see ZZ Cen). AB Cen d = 0.05P. AP Cen Epoch of Min is given. AS Cen Min II 13.2. AV Cen Min II 14.1. AZ Cen The shape of the light curve varies. BD Cen Min II 10.7. BF Cen In the field of the open cluster NGC 3766. Min II 8.8. BG Cen Min II 12.3. BH Cen In the open cluster IC 2994. Min II 8.8. BI Cen Delta(S) = 2. BK Cen P2 = 2.236d, A1 = 0.54m, A2 = 0.22m [08835]. BV Cen The mean cycle between outbursts <= 149.4d [07301]. The tabulated elements correspond to Max of the eclipsing light curve, phi (Min) = 0.25P. The range of the eclipsing variability is 12.8 - 13.3. CN Cen Min II 13.3. DI Cen Min II 12.3, Min II - Min I = 0.494P, DII = 0.08P:. DT Cen Red. DX Cen The P star in a pair. DY Cen All spectral lines are very weak. No IR excess. The photometric behaviour outside major Min is described in [08836]. EP Cen Min II 11.5. EU Cen The P star in a pair. GI Cen In the field of the globular cluster NGC 5286. GM Cen The chart in [06286] is wrong. IQ Cen d = 0.04P. IW Cen Min II 12.1. IX Cen In the field of the open cluster NGC 3706. IY Cen In the field of the open cluster IC 2944. IZ Cen = 1.7. KK Cen B - V: +1.08, +1.62. KM Cen Min II 13.3. KN Cen B - V: +1.36, +1.75. [A/H] = 0.2. KQ Cen Alternating periods 136d, 159d. KT Cen B - V: +0.46. Min II 12.72. Min II - Min I = 0.392P (JD2441686 - 721); apsidal motion is observed [08094]. KY Cen Min II 13.3. KZ Cen B - V: +0.30, +0.72. LL Cen Min II 13.1. LR Cen Min II 12.30. LT Cen Min II 9.6. LU Cen The period may be twice longer. LV Cen B - V: +1.3, +1.7. LW Cen Min II 9.6. In the field of the open cluster IC 2944. LX Cen Min II 13.55. LZ Cen Min II 8.50. MM Cen Min II 12.7. MN Cen Min II 8.7. VB A (B 10.9m, 7", 147deg). MP Cen Min II 10.0. MQ Cen Min II 10.1. MR Cen Min II 10.5. MV Cen Min II 14.6. MY Cen B - V: +1.58, +1.94. NO Cen Min II 14.2. NP Cen Min II 10.2. NY Cen Min II 11.9. OO Cen = 1.84. OP Cen Min II 13.8. OU Cen Min II 10.9. OV Cen Min II 11.0. OX Cen Min II 14.3. QS Cen d = 0.03P. QT Cen Min II 13.4. QY Cen = 2.16. QZ Cen P var? The shape of the light curve varies? V0339 Cen VB A (B ~13m, SP). B - V: +1.08, +1.47. V0343 Cen Min II 13.5. V0344 Cen Min II 12.3. V0346 Cen In the field of the open cluster Stock 14. Min II 8.8. Min II = 2421966.835 + 6.32189d*E. V0348 Cen d = 0.010P. V0349 Cen Min II 14.5. V0350 Cen Min II 10.3. Min II = 2430870.192 + 3.216906d*E. V0351 Cen Epoch of Min is given. V0356 Cen Min II 15.0. V0358 Cen Epoch of Min is given. V0365 Cen d = 0.040P. V0373 Cen VB A (B ~4" np). V0377 Cen d = 0.003P. V0379 Cen Min II 8.9. V0380 Cen Min II 10.0. V0383 Cen Min II 13.6:, Min II - Min I = 0.609P. V0384 Cen Min II 12.2. DII = 0.062P. Min II - Min I = 0.667P. V0385 Cen Min II 13.0. V0388 Cen Min II 15.7. V0399 Cen d = 0.020P. Min II 13.1. V0405 Cen P var, 30d - 40d. V0412 Cen VB A (B 59", 266deg). V0419 Cen P var. Max = 2428099.25 + 5.50713d*E (JD2428099 - 33573); since JD2434900 - see Table. V0420 Cen B - V: +0.45, +0.97. P var. Nonlinear term: -0.000090d*E**2. V0427 Cen Epoch of Min is given. V0436 Cen SB (P = 0.0669d). Photometric P during supermaxima 0.06383d [08838]. Rapid oscillations in supermaxima Delta(m) ~0.002m, P ~19.6s [08049]. V0440 Cen d = 0.033P. Min II is possible. V0443 Cen d = 0.025P. V0491 Cen Very flat minima; close companion? V0495 Cen d = 0.042P. Min II 10.6. Min II - Min I = 0.520P. V0496 Cen Possible member of the open cluster NGC 4755. B - V: +1.02, +1.33. V0498 Cen P may be twice shorter. V0499 Cen (k - b)2 = 0.23. V0504 Cen Semiregular variations (P1 ~130d, P2 ~411d) are also observed [08836]. V0506 Cen The chart in [06286] is wrong. V0508 Cen Min II 13.2. V0526 Cen Delta(m) var. P var. Max = 2425707.540 + 0.56153d*E (1929 - 1930); during 1931 - 1940 - see Table. V0527 Cen The chart in [06286] is wrong. V0532 Cen Star 1 [09078]. X-ray source 3A 1431-409. V0544 Cen 2AS E 1440-39? [05962]. The chart in [06286] is wrong. V0545 Cen Magnitude in Max var (12.6 - 14.5), P = 1800d? V0553 Cen [Fe/H] = -0.1; [C/Fe] = +0.8. V0565 Cen Min II 13.9. Type RR is not excluded (P = 0.238072d). V0574 Cen sp star of a pair. V0577 Cen According to improved coordinates, the star is actually in Hydra. V0585 Cen Min II 13.0. V0592 Cen Mean brightness var. V0593 Cen Possible member of the open cluster Stock 16. Min II 11.2. V0594 Cen V133 (omega Cen); non-member of the cluster. Min II 14.4. V0606 Cen Min II 9.8. V0607 Cen Min II 14.1. V0608 Cen Min II 13.1. V0609 Cen Min II 13.6. V0615 Cen Min II 14.0. V0617 Cen Min II 13.8:. V0619 Cen In the field of the open cluster NGC 5316. V0621 Cen d = 0.05P. V0624 Cen Min II 14.9. V0625 Cen Min II 15.0. V0627 Cen d = 0.02P. V0628 Cen Min II 13.2. V0630 Cen Min II 14.2. d = 0.06P. V0635 Cen Min II 13.9. V0636 Cen Min II 8.8. V0644 Cen During the faint phase in 1951 the shell spectrum was observed [02128]. Type E with a very long period is possible [06763]. V0645 Cen Proxima Cen = alpha Cen C. mu = 3.809", P = 281.7deg. Soft X-ray source. V0646 Cen d = 0.022P. Min II 9.1. V0662 Cen P ~2.48d or 2.95d. V0672 Cen Min II 11.4 - 11.6 (var). V0673 Cen Depth of Min II 0.05m. V0674 Cen Blazhko effect: Pi = 29.5d. 0.15P <= M - m <= 0.23P. V0676 Cen Min II 12.5. V0677 Cen Min II 11.6. V0678 Cen Min II 10.6. V0679 Cen 9.8"p, 1.1"n from CPD -62deg 2167. The star is at the edge of a dark cloud in a bright nebula, a part of IC 2944, in the field of a very poor open cluster. Since 1950 till 1954 faded by 2.5m. Rather red. "Screening" by the edge of a dark nebula? V0682 Cen IR excess. V0684 Cen Depth of Min II 0.05m. V0685 Cen Min II 9.5. V0686 Cen RV type is not excluded. V0687 Cen Min II 14.1. DII = 0.12P. Min II - Min I = 0.580P. V0688 Cen Min II 12.7. V0689 Cen Min II 12.1. V0690 Cen Depth of Min II 0.03m. V0692 Cen Min II 11.6. Min II - Min I = 0.481P. V0701 Cen VB? d = 0.026P. Min II 9.1. V0704 Cen IR excess. V0716 Cen Min II 6.21. V0742 Cen Min II 10.1. V0743 Cen (k - b)2 = 0.20. Elements almost as well satisfactory: Max = 2439243.6465 + 0.10222560d*E. V0745 Cen Min II 9.6. V0746 Cen = V467 Cen. Marked as V467 Cen in the chart. V0747 Cen Min II 10.05. V0748 Cen B - V: +0.31, +1.21; U - B: -0.66, -0.21. d = 0.106P. Narrow Halpha emission. Outside eclipses shows variations by 0.05m - 0.1m during several days or several weeks (probably irregularly) [06968]. V0752 Cen Min II 9.61. dI = dII = 0.047P. V0753 Cen (k - b)2 = 0.20. In the field of the open cluster NGC 3960; probably non-member. Type DSCT is possible. V0754 Cen Slight Min II. V0755 Cen In the Coalsack. V0756 Cen In the Coalsack. High excitation lines (OVII, OVIII, CV) are present in the spectrum. WR type is possible [07372]. V0757 Cen Min II 8.6. V0758 Cen d = 0.07P. Min II 9.15. V0759 Cen Min II 7.56. V0761 Cen IR excess. V0763 Cen VB A (B 13m, 7", 163deg). V0766 Cen VB A (B 10.01m, B0Ibp, 9", 318deg). IR excess. V0767 Cen VB A (B 11.52m, 21", 350deg). V0768 Cen Possible P: 60d - 80d. V0770 Cen According to [07570], const? V0772 Cen In the region of the open cluster IC 2944. V0775 Cen EB type is possible. Deep Min II. V0777 Cen Deep Min II. V0779 Cen Cen X-3 (3U 1118-60). : +1.04; : -0.08. Min II 13.39. Porb var. The shape of the light curve varies. Epoch of Min I is given. Epochs of Min II coincide with the moments of X-ray eclipses. X-ray pulses are observed with Ppuls = 4.834477s (epoch JD2442785.3); Ppuls decreases [07612]. No rapid optical oscillations were found. V0783 Cen B - V: +0.35. V0784 Cen Very red. V0788 Cen Min II 5.90. V0790 Cen VB B (A 4.52m; 60", 343deg). V0791 Cen In the region of globular cluster omega Cen (NGC 5139). Cluster non-member. V0795 Cen VB A (B 12.29m, 33.9", 170deg; C 12.79m, 36", 220deg). V0801 Cen 4U 1145 - 61 = 2S 1145 - 619. Primary component has a low density envelope expanding with the velocity of 1800 km/s. V sin i = 290 km/s. X-ray pulsar (P = 291.8s [08883]). Max (X) = 2442519.5 + 187.5d*E [08881]. V0803 Cen Extremely hot hydrogen-deficient helium star. V0807 Cen VB (9.9m, 10.1m, 0.4", 258deg, 1931). It is not known which of the components varies. V0810 Cen Member of the cluster Stock 14. V0813 Cen In the region of globular cluster omega Cen (NGC 5139). V65 (NGC 5139). V0814 Cen In the region of globular cluster omega Cen (NGC 5139). V78 (NGC 5139). Min II 14.165:. Primary component is probably intrinsically variable [08884]. V0816 Cen Primary oscillation is superimposed by the oscillations with freguencies: F2 = 4.9229, F3 = 4.7343, F4 = 4.9317 [02591]. V0820 Cen [Fe/H] = -2.5; Vr = +260 km/s. V0822 Cen Cen X-4. V0825 Cen In the region of globular cluster omega Cen (NGC 5139). Cluster non-member. V2 (NGC 5139). V0826 Cen In the region of globular cluster omega Cen (NGC 5139). Cluster non-member. V129 (NGC 5139). V0902 Cen VB, rho = 12". Variability may be spurious. V0915 Cen The variability type is not quite consistent with the spectral type (B9II/III). V0921 Cen High proper motion (LTT 4397) not confirmed by HIPPARCOS data. V0933 Cen HIPPARCOS data contradict the luminosity class V. V1015 Cen Variability type and luminosity class (III) do not agree. bet Cen VB A (B 4.1m, 1.3", 251deg, 1960). SB1 (P = 352d [08887]. Multiperiodicity; sometimes brightness is constant [08215]. Soft X-ray source. del Cen VB A (B 4.8m, 68.6", 325deg; C 6.5m, 16.6", 227deg). eps Cen VB A (B 13.0m, 36.0", 158deg). There is a secondary light oscillation with the amplitude of 0.0034m and elements: Max = 2441041.058 + 0.17696d*E. eta Cen VB A (B 13.5m, 5.6", 270deg, 1897); SB? mu Cen VB A (B 13.63m, 48", 128deg). omi 1 Cen VB A (B 11.4m, 13.5", 125deg). T Cep P var. Max = 2414252 + 386.05d*E (JD2406900 - 20490); Max = 2431086 + 394.93d*E (JD2420490 - 32900); Max = 2440262 + 379.22d*E (JD2432900 - 42200); since JD2442200 Max = 2444171 + 392.7d*E. Mean value of the period is given in the Table. SiO maser. U Cep VB A (B 11.83m, 13.9", 62deg; C 12.3m, 23.0", 318deg). 0.010P <= d <= 0.040P. Min II 6.93. P var. Min I = 2407890.3346 + 2.4928551d*E + 5.15d*10**(-9)*E**2 (JD2388855 - 2440790) [06468]; analysis of period variations in this interval see also in [07395]; Min I = 2441395.3604 + 2.4931048d*E (JD2440790 - 41600); Min I = 2441679.5716 + 2.4930432d*E (JD2441600 - 950); Min I = 2443753.7982 + 2.4930679d*E (JD2442100 - 43800); since JD2444000 - see Table. Shape of the light curve and depth of minima vary. Brightness of the secondary (G8) varies sporadically. Subgiant brightening accompanies eruptive mass transfer. The gaseous stream moving to the primary (B7) component forms around it gaseous ring or disc [08889]. W Cep Slow oscillations with Pi ~2000d are superimposed by oscillations with P ~350d. X Cep OH emission? RS Cep d = 0.039P. P var. Min = 2417140.469 + 12.419925d*E (JD2410000 - 31000) [02431]; since JD2431000 - see Table. RZ Cep P var. Max = 2411640.654 + 0.308697d*E (JD2411640 - 15000); Max = 2417144.620 + 0.3086203d*E (JD2415600 - 20200); Max = 2421175.611 + 0.3086699d*E (JD2421175 - 23000); Max = 2423768.475 + 0.3086918d*E (JD2423000 - 31700); Max = 2433768.493 + 0.3086383d*E (JD2433700 - 38300) [08890]; Max = 2438207.938 + 0.308645d*E (JD2438200 - 39040) [03879]; Max = 2440834.579 + 0.3086735d*E (JD2440800 - 42640) [08890]; since JD2442640 - see Table. Shape of the light curve and the amplitude A vary with the Blazhko effect period Pb = 96.8*P0 = 29.88d; Min A = 2441464.147 + 29.88d*N [08891]. Long period variation of P0 with a period ~50 years is possible. Delta(S) = 6. SS Cep Mean brightness varies with cycles from some hundreds to thousands days. SU Cep Min II 10.6. SV Cep IR excess. SX Cep In the region of the nebula NGC 7023. SY Cep Min II 12.70. P var? SZ Cep VB A (B 12.3m, 24.9", 263deg). S4/6e. TT Cep VB A (B 17.0m, 8", 160deg). TY Cep Epoch of Min I is given. UZ Cep P var. Max = 2440969 + 297.68d*E (JD2414000 - 42000); since JD2440000 - see Table. VV Cep VB (0.05", 174deg, 1950)? 0.066P <= D <= 0.091P; 0.040P <= d <= 0.077P. Depth of eclipses: 2.30m (lambda 3500 A), 1.9m (U), 0.4m (B). M-component is of SRC type: Max = 2443045 + 118.37d*E [08698, 08894]; A(V) <= 0.33m. Light oscillations are also noted with P ~58d [08895], 25d and 150d [08896]. B-component may be also an intrinsic variable [02416]. Gaseous streams. Strong variable magnetic field. VW Cep VB A (B 10.3m, a = 0.51", P = 30.45a [08897]); mu alpha = +0.0899s, mu delta = +0.560". Min II 7.56. Shape of the light curve and depths of Min I and Min II vary. P var. Min I = 2433483.4257 + 0.27831758d*E + 0.050d*cos(0.004813deg*(E - 4700)) (JD2424763 - 41200) [06483]; since JD2441000 - see Table. Period change study see also in [08899]. X-ray source. VZ Cep Min II 9.93. WX Cep Min II 9.14; dI = 0.01P, dII = 0.00P. WY Cep Min II 11.5. P var [02545]. WZ Cep Min II 11.9. XX Cep Min II 9.26. P var. Min I = 2425096.449 + 2.337340d*E (JD2414930 - 30000); Min I = 2441539.4917 + 2.3373059d*E (JD2430000 - 42300) [08902]. Since JD2441500 - see Table. XY Cep Min II 10.10. P var? XZ Cep Min II 8.43. ZZ Cep VB A (B 10.2m, A2 P, 3.6", 202deg; C 10.87m, A5V, 20.6", 219deg). Min II 8.74. AH Cep Min II 7.03. Depth of minima varies. P var. Min I = 2434989.3702 + 1.7747274d*E (JD2415500 - 35000) [03604]; since JD2434900 - see Table: +3.12d*10**(-9)*E**2. AI Cep Min II 9.48. AN Cep Since JD2425200 primary and secondary maxima and minima appeared, and mean cycle became 254d. AV Cep d <= 0.04P. BB Cep d = 0.050P. BE Cep Min II 13.0. BF Cep P var. Max = 2437236 + 426.11d*E (JD2423600 - 37300); Max = 2441665 + 442.3d*E (JD2437300 - 42500); since JD2442500 - see Table. BH Cep Sometimes strong Algol-like light weakenings are observed. BO Cep Sometimes strong Algol-like light weakenings are observed. CO Cep Min II 12.6; Min II - Min I = 0.552P; DII = 0.080P. CP Cep P var? CQ Cep Shape of the light curve and depth of minima vary. According to [07401] on 1969 March 28/29 on the phase 0.56P a light decrease by 0.1m was observed and then a rapid flare by 0.35m U, 0.13m B, 0.14m V. P var. Nonlinear term: -10**(-9)*E**2. CR Cep P var. Max = 2436846.94 + 6.23318d*E (JD2415000 - 30000) [03157]; since JD2430000 - see Table. CV Cep S7/1.5. Mean brightness varies with a cycle ~2000d [00159]. CW Cep VB A (B 12.29m, 20", 310deg). Min II 8.01; Min II - Min I = 0.478P (1972 yr). There is a sinusoidal term in the elements: +0.0250d*sin(0.0626deg*E - 28.3deg). Apsidal motion with P = 43a. CX Cep Min II 12.16. CY Cep Min II 16.5. DD Cep P var. Max = 2427960 + 167.6d*E (JD2427900 - 30000); Max = 2429968 + 173.0d*E (JD2429900 - 33600); since JD2433600 - see Table. DH Cep In the region of the cluster NGC 7380. Apsidal motion with P = 2.6a [00165]. DK Cep Min II 12.4. DL Cep Min II 12.7. DO Cep VB B (A 9.87m, M4V; a = 2,4", P = 44.78a, e = 0.408); mu = 0.852", P = 242.6deg. DP Cep Min II 14.4. DQ Cep Multiperiodicity: P0 = 0.12420d: [08137], P1 = 0.061177d [08914]. DX Cep P var. Max = 2430603.712 + 0.5260395d*E (JD2415700 - 31000) [00001]; since JD2431000 - see Table. Delta(S) = 7. DY Cep Min II 11.8. EE Cep A var? EF Cep Min II 12.6. P var? EG Cep Min II 9.61. P var. Min I = 2439774.3322 + 0.54462091d*E (JD2415200 - 41000) [00001]; since JD2441000 - see Table. EH Cep In the dark cloud near the diffuse nebula and the cluster NGC 7023. EI Cep Min II 7.98. EK Cep Min II 8.06; Min II - Min I = 0.545P (1965). Min II = 2439022.8484 + 4.427797d*E [08160]. Apsidal motion (P = 4700a +- 600a) [08923]. EL Cep P var. EM Cep In the region of the cluster NGC 7160. VB A (a 12.8m, 19.8", 281deg; B 7.9m, 62.5", 146deg). Min II 7.16. Shape of the light curve and depth of minima vary. EO Cep Min II 12.3. EP Cep In the cluster NGC 188. Min II 17.0. EQ Cep In the cluster NGC 188. Min II 16.7. ER Cep In the cluster NGC 188. Min II 16.27. ES Cep In the cluster NGC 188. Min II 15.8. P var. Min I = 2439082.238 + 0.34468d*E (JD2438480 - 39090); Min I = 2439236.501 + 0.34264d*E (JD2439090 - 39280); Min I = 2439594.548 + 0.34250d*E (JD2439400 - 39600); since JD2439600 - see Table. A var. EX Cep Min II 11.6. EY Cep Min II 10.4. EZ Cep P var. Max = 2416803.627 + 0.378990d*E (JD2415400 - 20000) [00001]; since JD2420000 - see Table. FH Cep Min II 12.1. FL Cep d = 0.02P. FS Cep Min II 12.0. FT Cep VB A (B 18.3m, 5", 27deg). In the region of the diffuse nebula and the cluster NGC 7023. FU Cep In the region of the diffuse nebula and the cluster NGC 7023. FV Cep In the region of the diffuse nebula and the cluster NGC 7023. P = 0.4628d. FW Cep In the region of the diffuse nebula and the cluster NGC 7023. GI Cep Min II 11.9. GK Cep Min II 7.35; dI = dII = 0.03P; Min II - Min I = 0.502P. P var. Min I = 2425189.526 + 0.9361614d*E (JD2415000 - 27500); Min I = 2438694.7070 + 0.9361714d*E (JD2427500 - 38200) [00001]; since JD2438200 - see Table. GL Cep In the region of the diffuse nebula IC 1396 and the cluster Tr 37. GM Cep In the region of the diffuse nebula IC 1396 and the cluster Tr 37. GP Cep In the region of the HII zone S 132. Quadruple system, consisting of a WN6 + O8-B0III: eclipsing pair (P = 6.6883d) physically associated with an O + O pair (P = 3.4698d); the latter pair may be also an eclipsing or ellipsoidal variable [08931]. GS Cep Min II 10.6. GT Cep Min II 8.6. GW Cep Min II 12.00. HK Cep Min II 14.4. HZ Cep In the region of the diffuse nebula and the cluster NGC 7023. IL Cep VB A (B 11.91m, 7", 326deg); P = 2.802d? IM Cep Min II 13.6. IO Cep Min II 11.7. IP Cep Min II 12.1. IR Cep VB (Delta(m) ~0.0m, 0.0" -0.2"). P var. Max = 2431060.878 + 2.114016d*E (JD2428335 - 31060) [00001]; since JD2440900 - see Table. IV Cep VB B (A 16m; B 2.1", 191deg). IW Cep Min II 13.7; Min II - Min I = 0.52P. IX Cep d = 0.03P. Min II 17.0. KL Cep d = 0.019P. KP Cep Depth of Min II 0.03m. KV Cep Min II 14.3. KY Cep Flare with 65 sec duration. There is a blue object on the place of the flare [00001]. KZ Cep VB (8.6m, 8.6m; 1.9", 348deg). Depths of spectral lines vary: P = 0.212938d [06488]. LL Cep Min II 14.0. LM Cep Min II 12.8. LP Cep Min II 13.8; Min II - Min I = 0.55P. LQ Cep Eastern component of a double star. LU Cep VB. LW Cep Depth of Min II 0.05m. LZ Cep Min II 5.63. In the Table: P(Vr) [04627]. MN Cep Depth of Min II 0.08m? MQ Cep Min II 15.7. MT Cep Min II 15.5. MX Cep SB (P = 16.03d) [08947]. MY Cep In the cluster NGC 7419. Emission OH, H2O. MZ Cep In the region of the cluster NGC 7419. NN Cep Min II 8.52. NR Cep Min II 13.6; d = 0.025P? NS Cep Depth of Min II 0.04m. NW Cep Preceding component of a close VB. Min II 10.7. NY Cep VB A (B 10.33m, 10", 190deg); d = 0.003P; SB2, e = 0.49; Delta(gamma) = gamma2 - gamma1 = 32 km/s [07412]. OS Cep Very red. OT Cep Min II 13.3. OZ Cep Red. PS Cep In the region of the cluster NGC 7380. SB2 (P = 2.09168d) [05479]. PV Cep In the dark cloud near the diffuse nebula and the cluster NGC 7023. At the apex of the bright variable fan nebula. PW Cep In the region of the diffuse nebular and the cluster NGC 7023. QZ Cep The map of surroundings given in [04015] for BV 323 is in reality the map for BV 324 = QZ Cep. Min II 11.9. V0338 Cep Min II 9.52. V0342 Cep B - V = +3.6. V0344 Cep B - V = +4.4. V0345 Cep B - V = +5.0. V0346 Cep B - V = +4.6. V0347 Cep B - V = +4.5. V0351 Cep VB A (B 13m, 20", 135deg). P var. Max = 2430615.57 + 2.80511d*E (JD2429160 - 34300); Max = 2435749.12 + 12.80556d*E (JD2435310 - 40885) [02830]. Since JD2442020 - see Table. V0421 Cep SB, Porb1 = 5.4136d, Porb2 = 225.44d. V0447 Cep The variability may be due to the fainter (B) component. V0448 Cep SB, Porb = 7.7320d. V0453 Cep SB, Porb = 54.723d. V0454 Cep SB, Porb = 5.6556d. bet Cep VB A (A 6m, 0.204", 47.2deg, 1977.9; B 7.84m, A2V, 13.6", 250deg). SB1 (Porb = 10.893d) [06486]. P var. Max(Vr) = 2417359.715 + 0.1904795d*E (JD2415750 - 22000); Max(Vr) = 2422203.790 + 0.1904844d*E + 2.9440d*10**(-11)*E**2 + 3.2671d*10**(-17)*E**3 (JD2422000 - 42630) [00177]. Elements given in the Table satisfy observations in 1967 - 69. del Cep VB A (B 13.0m, 20.0", 285deg; C 6.10m - 6.37m, B7IV, 41.0", 191deg. P var. Max = 2393659.856 + 5.366438d*E (JD2372200 - 96900); Max = 2413960.73 + 5.366386d*E (JD2396900 - 2414050); since JD2414050 - see Table. All observations in the interval JD2373090 - 45000 are well represented also by the elements with a square term: Max = 2442756.490 + 5.366270d*E - 7d*6*10**(-9)*E**2 [08632]. eps Cep VB A (B 9.5m, 127.8", 15deg, 1918). Multiperiodicity: P2 = 0.068073d (A2/2 = 0.0061m), P3 = 0.011823d? (A3/2 = 0.0022m); A1/2 = 0.0079m. zet Cep Radial velocity varies. mu Cep VB A (B 12.3m, 19.4", 262deg; C 12.7m, 41", 299deg). There is also the cycle with 4400d duration [08957]. W Cet S5.5/2e. RR Cet [Fe/H] = -1.26. P var. During JD2417500 - 28820 Max = 2417501.444 + 0.55302577d*E; since JD2433180 - see Table. According to [08726], the graph of O - C deviations from the elements given in [03506] is approximately sinusoidal, with Pi = 2600d and the amplitude 0.025d. RU Cet (k - b)2 = 0.01. Delta(m) var? P var [02455]. Max = 2426964.019 + 0.5863003d*E (JD2426500 - 28430) [00181]; Max = 2434143.056 + 0.5862676d*E (JD2433100 - 35820) [02431]; since JD2435820 - see Table. RV Cet Delta(S) = 9. RW Cet Min II 10.5. P var. During JD2426500 - 41000 Max = 2426585.503 + 0.9751814d*E [00001]; since JD2441000 - see Table. RX Cet Delta(S) = 5. P var. Before JD2428500 Max = 2425938.271 + 0.5737100d*E [03506]; since JD2430000 - see Table. RZ Cet Delta(S) = 6.7. P var. During JD2426585 - 28630 Max = 2426585.448 + 0.510633d*E [03506]; current elements - see Table. SS Cet d = 0.025P. P var. Min = 2429321.250 + 2.9739509d*E (JD2427340 - 30700) [02419]; Min = 2430698.160 + 2.973992d*E (JD2429300 - 36650) [03115]; since JD2440000 - see Table. SV Cet Min II 14.9. TT Cet Min II 11.1. TU Cet D = 0.043P. Min II 10.9. Min II - Min I = 0.478P. According to [03564], the spectrum is K2. TV Cet Min II 9.10. DII = 0.03P. Min II - Min I = 0.494P. TW Cet Min II 11.14. P var. Min I = 2430965.595 + 0.316852d*E (JD2427650 - 31000) [00192]; Min I = 2433611.3121 + 0.316846d*E (JD2433530 - 615) [00001]; since JD2440000 - see Table. TX Cet B - V: +0.34, +0.37. Min II 11.12. TY Cet Min II 12.1. UU Cet (k - b)2 = 0.08. P var. Blazhko effect? UV Cet VB B (A 12.45m, dM5.5e; a = 2.1", P = 25a). VV Cet Min II 11.0. EB type is also possible. RR type with twice shorter period is not excluded. VX Cet d = 0.026P. VY Cet Min II 11.70. VZ Cet ADS 1778 B (B 0.61", 122deg; A = omicron Cet). Small variations are also observed on the time scale of several hours, with superimposed 10 - 15 minute variations and rare flares of approximately 2 minute duration [06492]. A possible white dwarf with an accretion disc [08926]. WW Cet VR var (P = 0.160d) [04712]. Rapid oscillations (~10 min) of brightness are observed [04709]. WZ Cet Min II 11.0. XY Cet d = 0.02P. Min II 9.34. YY Cet Min II 9.2. ZZ Cet 4 stable oscillations are observed simultaneously: P1 = 213.132605s, P2 = 212.768427s, P3 = 274.250814s, P4 = 274.774562s. AA Cet ADS 1581 A (B 7.7m vis, SB 2, F5, 8.5", 304deg). Min II 6.7:. dII = 0.065P. AB Cet ADS 1849 A (B 9.30m, 12", 293deg). SB? (VR var, P = 2.997814d). The period of magnetic variations is 15.9d [08932]. AD Cet ADS 180 A (B 10m, 3", 4deg). CL Cet Type ELL: is also possible. EE Cet The variability may be due to the fainter (B) component. EL Cet SB2. del Cet Nonlinear term: +2.20d*10**(-11)*E**2. omi Cet ADS 1778 A (B = VZ Cet, 0.61", 122deg). Maser SiO, OH, H2O. S Cha VB A (B 9.29m, 23", 134deg). T Cha Occasionally quasiperiodic light changes are observed with periods 3.2323d, 3.4375d, 4.1800d, 3.2436d operating during 6 - 26 cycles. IR excess. Z Cha VB A (B 5.6"). Eclipses: Min = 2440264.68232 + 0.0744992195d*E + 7.88d*10**(-13)*E**2 [08938]. D = 0.065P; d = 0.026P. Depth of Min: 1.73m - 2.11m B before the eclipse; 1.38m - 1.97m B after the eclipse. Periodic variations during Min light [07000]. Variations with P = 27.7s during a supermaximum [08049]. RS Cha EA/DM. Min II 6.53. One of the components is a pulsating variable of DSCT type. P is in the range from 0.074d to 0.097d [08403]. Delta(M) = 0.01m - 0.03m in the combined light. RW Cha Min II 14.6. RY Cha Min II 14.0. RZ Cha Min II 8.8. DII = 0.11P. SY Cha Quasiperiodic variations were observed. (P = 6.2d [04305], P = 7.6d [08946]). TW Cha Quasiperiodic variations (P = 8.68d [04462]). VW Cha IR excess. VZ Cha Quasiperiodic variations (P = 7.27d). YZ Cha Delta(m) (Min II) = 0.4m. CG Cha Min II 14.4. CH Cha Min II 15.1. CX Cha Min II 15.5. Uncertain elements. CY Cha Min II 14.0. CZ Cha Min II 14.6. DD Cha Min II 14.7. DG Cha Min II 14.5. zet Cha SB. S Cir Min II 10.9. T Cir Min II 9.4. U Cir P var. Before JD2417000 Max = 2412560 + 151d*E. V Cir Min II 11.0. According to [00210], varies in the range 10.8m - 13.0m pg. W Cir The coordinates published by the discoverer are wrong, actually the star is in Lupus. TW Cir Min II 13.3. UY Cir Red. UZ Cir Epoch of main Max is given. Resembles R Cen. Max I - Max II = 160d. VX Cir P var. Before JD2418000 Max = 2414360 + 427d*E. AQ Cir Possibly EW type with twice longer period. AR Cir The magnitude in Min light possibly corresponds to an unresolved companion. AT Cir d = 0.02d:. AX Cir SB. VB? (6.5m; 6.5m; 0.5", 143deg, 1913). BD Cir Min II 9.5. BF Cir Min II 8.9. BG Cir Min II 10.3. BN Cir Deep Min II. Twice shorter period is not excluded. BR Cir Cir X-1. According to [08951], the object does not coincide with the star (B = 22.5m) labelled as L in the chart in [02911] but is situated in ~1" to the south of it and has M > 23.5m on IIIa-J plates. Gradual increase of X-ray intensity is periodically stopped by an abrupt intensity fall. The moments of such transitions T are represented by the elements T = 2443292.118 + 16.595d*E [02926]. The X-ray intensity falls are accompanied by IR and radio bursts. Vr (e alpha) = +250 km/s. In 25' from the supernova remnant G 321.9-0.3. tet Cir VB (6.2m, 6.2m, 0.1", 96deg). T Col SiO maser. U Col Min II 10.5. Y Col V2 (NGC 1851). Z Col V1 (NGC 1851). RS Col Min II 9.97. dII = 0.021P. RY Col (k - b)2 = 0.10. P var; nonlinear term: -3.38*10**(9)E**2. RZ Col Min II 11.20. VW Col Variability may be due to component B. TV Col 2A 0526 - 328. VB A (B 15.79m, 10", 330deg). Epoch of Max of short-term photometric variations is given. The following elements describe, respectively, moments of Max Vr for Balmer lines and moments of Max for the comparatively long-term photometric variations which are due to the beat phenomenon for the photometric and spectral periods: Max Vr = 2444227.631 + 0.228600d*E; Max = 2444191.5 + 4.024d*E. Flickering up to 0.15m B and flares up to 0.3m U are also observed [08960]. R Com OH emission. S Com Delta(S) = 8. T Com OH, H2O emission. U Com Delta(S) = 5. V Com P var. Max = 2424518.219 + 0.46913844d*E (JD2420900 - 26900) [00218]; since JD2438100 - see Table. Delta(S) = 8. W Com Radio source ON 231. X Com Z = 0.092. Spectrum description [07415, 08966]. Y Com In the region of the globular cluster M 53 (NGC 5024). Z Com In the region of the globular cluster M 53 (NGC 5024). RR Com In the region of the globular cluster M 53 (NGC 5024). RS Com In the region of the globular cluster NGC 5053. RT Com In the region of the globular cluster NGC 5053. A var; P var. Max = 2423113.496 + 0.5651925d*E (JD2422700 - 26450) [00222]; since JD2438535 - see Table. RU Com In the region of the globular cluster M 53 (NGC 5024). RV Com In the region of the globular cluster M 53 (NGC 5024). RW Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. dI = 0.04P; Min II 11.56. P var. Min I = 2433040.406 + 0.23734705d*E (JD2419680 - 34550) [00185]; since JD2439600 - see Table. RY Com P var. Max = 2425007.450 + 0.46894835d*E (JD2425000 - 27500) [03506]; Max = 2432674.390 + 0.4689397d*E (JD2432600 - 38110) [03415]; since JD2438100 - see Table. (k - b)2 = 0.07. RZ Com Possible member of the Comae Berenices cluster. Min II 11.09; dI = 0.043P, dII = 0.039P. P var. Min I = 2433396.737 + 0.33850556d*E (JD2425000 - 33300) [00226]; since JD2433300 - see Table. Shape of the light curve varies. SS Com Min II 11.9. ST Com Delta(S) = 10. SX Com In the region of the globular cluster NGC 4147. SZ Com In the region of the globular cluster NGC 4147. TU Com Shape of the light curve, A and P vary. Mean elements are given in the Table. Possible period of Blazhko effect is 75d [03584]. [Fe/H] = -1.43. UU Com Member of the Comae Berenices cluster. Light variations are due to rotation and pulsations of the star. Rotational period is 2.1953d or 1.0256d or 0.9178d. Period of pulsations is 0.0227d (A ~0.01m). According to [07985] there are two periods of pulsations: P1 = 0.0274d and P2 = 0.0209d (P2/P1 = 0.76). UV Com [Fe/H] = -1.44. UW Com [Fe/H] = -1.22. UX Com Min II 10.13. P var; nonlinear term: -3.75d*10**(-8)*E**2. UY Com [Fe/H] = -1.51. UZ Com [Fe/H] = -1.44. VV Com [Fe/H] = -1.53. VW Com VB (12.00m, dM 3.5e; 12.3m, dM 4e, 3.0", 23deg, 1945). Range of total brightness variation is given. According to [08363] the component B is variable. However both components may be variables. VY Com Min II 14.5. AI Com Member of the Comae Berenices cluster. VB A (B 6.63m, 145", 251deg). Pulsations are possible: P = 0.052d (A = 0.02m) [08975]. AL Com Within 8' to the south-east from the nucleus of M 88 (NGC 4501) galaxy. AQ Com Min II 15.7. BM Com Min II 13.8. BS Com P var. Max = 2434453.31 + 0.36341d*E (JD2434130 - 35230); since JD2435590 - see Table. Shape of the light curve varies. BZ Com [Fe/H] = -1.21. CC Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. Min II 12.09; dI = 0.03P. CD Com [Fe/H] = -1.78. CF Com Shape of the light curve varies. CG Com [Fe/H] = -1.06. CI Com RRC? CK Com P var. Max = 2437370.71 + 0.6940159d*E (JD2437370 - 40130); Max = 2441630.35 + 0.6939080d*E (JD2440130 - 41630); since JD2441630 - see Table. Blazhko effect. [Fe/H] = -1.68. CL Com [Fe/H] = -1.00. CN Com Min II 13.5. CP Com [Fe/H] = -1.19. CT Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. CV Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. CX Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. Not member of the cluster. DD Com Min II 14.90. DG Com Min II 14.6. DL Com P var? DR Com EW? P = 0.45184d? DS Com [Fe/H] = -1.32. DT Com [Fe/H] = -1.60. DU Com [Fe/H] = -1.45. DV Com [Fe/H] = -1.57. DW Com [Fe/H] = -1.53. EE Com P = 0.539533d also satisfies observations. [Fe/H] = -1.64. EF Com [Fe/H] = -1.90. EG Com [Fe/H] = -1.29. EI Com [Fe/H] = -1.68. EL Com P = 0.52362d also satisfies observations. EM Com [Fe/H] = -1.64. EN Com [Fe/H] = -1.19. EO Com [Fe/H] = -1.51. EP Com [Fe/H] = -0.98. EQ Com Min II 15.3. ER Com [Fe/H] = -1.51. ES Com [Fe/H] = -2.02. EW Com [Fe/H] = -1.77. EX Com P = 0.558359d? [Fe/H] = -1.48. EY Com Min II 18.0. EZ Com P = 0.568349d? [Fe/H] = -1.16. FG Com P = 0.3098d also satisfies observations. FK Com Wide emission lines, Halpha and H, K CaII, of variable intensity. Epoch of light minimum is given. FM Com The member of the Comae Berenices cluster. Multiperiodicity. Cycle of 0.0713d was observed also [08989]. FO Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. FP Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. mu = 0.23", P = 158deg. Red. FZ Com P = 4.704864d? GM Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. GN Com Member of the Comae Berenices cluster. P > 1d. GO Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. GP Com mu = 0.38", p = 286deg. SB (Porb = 0.032306d). Unique object G 61-29. Consists of two interacting white dwarfs. The lower mass star, a helium white dwarf, transfers mass to the higher mass star surrounded by an accretion disk. Usually flares are being observed with an amplitude about 0.2m V, 0.5m U lasting about 20 seconds [07417, 08991]. Sometimes periods of photometric activity arise when amplitude of light variations reaches 0.6m V and sharp passages from maxima to minima are being observed; the duration of these minima reaches up to 0.14d [07417]. When the star is most active, periodic light oscillations appear with P = 105 seconds and amplitude 0.05m - 0.10m V [07062]. GQ Com Z = 0.165. Emission H, [OIII]. Irregular light variations. = +0.16. GT Com Minor planet (679) Pax. HH Com Epoch of Min in V system is given. HI Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. HK Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. HM Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. HN Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. HO Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. HP Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. HQ Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. HR Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. HS Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. HT Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. HU Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. HV Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. HW Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. R CrA In the head of the bright cometary nebula NGC 6729. IR excess. S CrA VB A (B 13.5m, 1", 137deg). IR excess. T CrA In the bright cometary nebula NGC 6729. IR excess. V CrA Quasiperiodic variations (P ~75d, Delta(V) ~ 0.2m - 0.9m). IR excess. RS CrA sp of two close stars; each of them or both may be identified with CoD -39deg 13082. RW CrA Min II 9.4. SS CrA V1 (NGC 6541). SV CrA The period may be twice shorter. TY CrA VB A (B 13.3m, 4", 138deg; C 58", 24deg). In the bright nebula NGC 6726/27. P = 1.92d is not excluded, in that case Min II = Min I. On the basis of visual observations 8.7 - 12.4 v (presumably "spurious variability" due to the difficulties of estimates over the bright background of the nebula), and the star was classified as INSA. TZ CrA Min II 9.72. UU CrA Min II 11.0. UX CrA The period may be twice shorter. UY CrA P var? VV CrA In the region of the bright nebula NGC 6729. IR excess. AF CrA P var. Before JD2418060 Max = 2413710 + 483d*E; since JD2418060 - see Table. AL CrA B - V: +0.65, +1.30. [A/H] = -0.2. AN CrA P var. Nonlinear term: -0.006d*10**(-6)*E**2. AU CrA P var. Nonlinear term: -0.026d*10**(-6)*E**2. AY CrA Min II 15.2. BG CrA Min II 15.1. BH CrA P var. Nonlinear term: -0.023d*10**(-6)*E**2. CM CrA P var. Nonlinear term: -0.007d*10**(-6)*E**2. CR CrA Min II 15.7. CS CrA Min II 15.2. CY CrA P var. Nonlinear term: -0.002d*10**(-6)*E**2. DG CrA In the region of the bright nebula NGC 6729. IR excess. DL CrA Min II 13.6. DN CrA P var. Nonlinear term: +0.006d*10**(-6)*E**2. DZ CrA d = 0.02P. EE CrA var, 13.5m - 15.5m, P2 = 3000d - 5000d Delta(m) (P1 = 167d) ~1.5m. EK CrA P var. Before JD2422600 Max = 2411870 + 421d*E. FF CrA Before JD2423000 Max = 2411530 + 140.2d*E. FK CrA Min II 14.5. FS CrA Min II 14.5. FW CrA Before JD2416600 Max = 2411190 + 112.2d*E. GS CrA Before JD2422600 Max = 2414070 + 284d*E. IT CrA Min II 13.6. KQ CrA [A/H] = -0.7. B - V: +0.76, +1.23. KT CrA Red. LU CrA P = 182d is possible. MS CrA Yellow. MT CrA Min II 13.1. NO CrA Reddish. QR CrA Reddish. V0347 CrA B - V: +0.82, +1.17. V0350 CrA Min II 13.4. V0385 CrA The period may be spurious. V0413 CrA (k - b)2 = 0.11. V0428 CrA The period may be twice shorter. V0449 CrA [A/H] = -0.3. V0454 CrA Min II 10.5. V0455 CrA d = 0.05P. Min II 13.7. V0457 CrA Epoch of Min is given. EW type is also possible, in that case the value of P should be doubled. V0465 CrA Min II 14.2. V0467 CrA P var? V0471 CrA Min II 13.3. V0478 CrA Sometimes a cycle 60d - 70d. V0480 CrA Min II 13.9. V0490 CrA P var? The elements represent the observations of 1944. V0493 CrA P var? V0501 CrA Min II 13.4. Twice shorter period is possible. V0503 CrA d = 0.03P. V0511 CrA Twice longer period is possible. V0512 CrA P var? V0513 CrA Min II 13.2. V0514 CrA Min II 14.0. V0527 CrA P var. V0535 CrA P var. V0541 CrA P var? V0545 CrA VB. Combined brightness with a faint companion is given. V0553 CrA P var? V0566 CrA Min II 12.7. V0568 CrA Sometimes a cycle 60d - 80d. V0569 CrA Min II 13.1. EB type is possible. V0571 CrA Min II 14.7. V0572 CrA Min II 14.0. V0577 CrA Min II 13.2. RR type with twice shorter period is possible. V0578 CrA RV type with P = 118d is possible. V0580 CrA Min II 14.4. V0595 CrA P var. V0601 CrA Epoch of min is given. V0603 CrA Slightly noticeable Min II at the phase 0.5P. V0604 CrA d = 0.03P. V0607 CrA Min II 14.3. V0612 CrA d = 0.03P. V0615 CrA P var? V0622 CrA Sometimes 55d - 60d cycles. V0633 CrA P var. V0634 CrA Min II 13.9. V0648 CrA Min II is felt at the phase 0.5P. V0659 CrA P = 189.4d is possible. V0667 CrA In the region of the bright cometary nebula NGC 6729. The spectral type is earlier than K. V0676 CrA RR type is possible. V0686 CrA Max I 5.34, Min I 5.41, Max II 5.35, Min II 5.40 [08970]. V0691 CrA 4U 1822-37. Emissions CIII/NIII lambda 4640 - 50, He II lambda 4686, CIV lambda 1550 etc. V0692 CrA P = 0.83d is possible. eps CrA Min II 4.95. R CrB IR excess. S CrB OH, H2O, SiO maser. T CrB VB? A (B <= 12m, 0.2"). SB (P = 227.6d). The spectral period is present in the photometric data of 1891 - 1917 and 1960 - 1971 [08978]. The epoch of the first outburst JD2402734 (1866). Two smaller outbursts were observed in UV light, JD2438030 (1963) and 2442543 (1975) [08979]. U CrB Min II 7.72. P var. RR CrB P2 = 377d. Delta(m) (P1) ~0.5m, Delta(m) (P2) ~0.6m. RS CrB P2 = 69.5d [01100]. Main period oscillation: 9.1m - 11.6m. RT CrB Nonlinear term: +2.01d*10**(-8)*E**2. Min II 10.52 (var). DII = 0.09P. RV CrB P var. Max = 2428285.608 + 0.3316217d*E (JD2428285 - 31610); Max = 2431705.349 + 0.3317313d*E (JD2431705 - 32954); Max = 2433030.572 + 0.331705d*E (JD2433030 - 36814) [05496]; Max = 2440001.453 + 0.331569d*E (1967 - 1971) [06237]; Max = 2441451.413 + 0.331619d*E (1972 - 1974) [07032]. The Table gives current elements. On the period changes see also [03506]. Blazhko effect? RW CrB d = 0.028P. Min II 10.29. TW CrB Min II 11.0. TZ CrB ADS 9979 A (B 6.72m, GIV, 6.6", 233deg, 1980). SB2 (P = 1.139789d). Epoch of Min is given. The variation presented in the Table is superimposed by a second one, with the same amplitude and P = 0.1d. The amplitude is given for the combined light of ADS 9979 A and B, the mean magnitude is for ADS 9979 A. UU CrB During JD2444381.73 - .76 a slow flare was observed, with maximal amplitude 0.30m in the IK band and 0.18m in the U band. alf CrB lambda eff = 7230 A: DI = 0.034P, DII = 0.018P, Min II - Min I = 0.66P, depth of Min I 0.10m, Min II 0.025m. bet CrB VB A (B ~ 5m - 6m, 0.2", ~130deg, 1978). SB (P = 3833.7d). Magnetic field var, P = 18.487d. The epoch of Min light is given. gam CrB ADS 9757 (4.2m, 5.6m; A = 0.74", P = 91.0a). U Crv VB A (B 13.5m, 0.4' p). W Crv Min II 11.86. The light curve is asymmetrical, the maxima differ in hight by 0.10m. Y Crv Min II 11.7. RRC type with twice shorter period is possible. Z Crv d = 0.06P. RV Crv Elements do not satisfy some of the published moments of Min. RZ Crv Min II 13.9. SX Crv Min II 9.23. The shape of the light curve varies. Depth of Min I 0.20m, depth of Min II 0.18m. In 1972 the system became fainter than in 1971 by 0.06m. TY Crv SB2. R Crt Periods of light constancy which last up to 250d occur every two or there thousand days. OH, H2O maser. S Crt H2O maser. T Crt Mean light var, P2 = 1006d. V Crt Min II 10.1; Min II - Min I = 0.57P. W Crt (k - b)2 = +0.21. X Crt (k - b)2 = +0.02. Z Crt d = 0.016P. RR Crt P = 293d or 146d is possible. RV Crt Min II 9.4:. SU Crt [Fe/H] > -0.3. SV Crt ADS 8115 A (B 11.5m vis, 1", 220deg). SB2 (P = 5.90513d, apsidal motion, P ~700a). Epoch of Min I in B light is given. Depth of Min II is 0.015m. EuII and SrII in emission. R Cru In the region of the open cluster NGC 4349. T Cru In the region of the open cluster NGC 4349. U Cru P var. Max = 2410143 + 351.4d*E (JD2410100 - 14100) [00237]; since JD2437600 - see Table. W Cru Min II 9.3. SU Cru [A/H] = -0.8. SV Cru In the region of the open cluster Ruprecht 97. Non-member of the cluster. SW Cru VB A (B 14.0m, 12"). (k - b)2 = 0.27. SY Cru d = 0.05P? TU Cru Min II 11.5. TW Cru Min II 12.85:. TX Cru It is not excluded that actually P is much shorter, close to 1d, for instance. TZ Cru P = 2.091140d? UW Cru Min II 12.9; Min II - Min I = 0.536P. UX Cru VB A (B 10"). Min II 12.4; Min I - Min II = 0.325P; DII = 0.025P. VY Cru Min II 13.5. VZ Cru P = 1.125810d? WW Cru Min II 13.0. WX Cru d = 0.040P. Light variability in maximum is noted. WY Cru VB A. P = 9.013290d? XX Cru P = 3.28566d? XY Cru Min II 11.7. XZ Cru P = 1.6495930d? YY Cru Min II 13.0. YZ Cru Min II 13.1. ZZ Cru Min II 9.8. AB Cru Min II 8.9. AC Cru Min II 12.1. AD Cru VB A (B 14.5m, 10", 270deg). P var. Max = 2434918.160 + 6.39844d*E (JD2423800 - 35400) [02309]; since JD2441000 - see Table. AE Cru Depth of Min II 0.03m. AF Cru According to [01122] Algol-type with the elements: Min I = 2424988.959 + 1.895669d*E, D = 0.06P. This conclusion must be checked. The star deserves careful investigation. AG Cru The blue component is possible [09004]. AI Cru In the region of the open cluster NGC 4103. Min II 9.94. AQ Cru Min II 13.8. AT Cru Min II 12.6. AW Cru Min II 13.9. AY Cru Min II 11.2. BB Cru Min II 14.0. BC Cru Depth of Min II 0.03m. BD Cru Depth of Min II 0.05m. BF Cru Min II 12.3. BH Cru Epoch of Min I is given in the Table. The light curve like the light curves of R Cen and R Nor has two maxima and two minima of different depths. Max I 7.6m (0.22P), Min II 8.0m (0.41P), Max II 7.2m (0.53P). BI Cru Spectrum description [04949]. BK Cru In Coalsack region. BM Cru In Coalsack region. BP Cru 3U 1223-62. A unique X-system. Consists of an X-pulsar with pulse period 698s [09018] moving on an excentric orbit (E = 0.47) around the ellipsoidal B2 supergiant with orbital period of 41.51d. Accretion of the stellar wind from the primary star on the pulsar increases during the periastron passage. Therefore large X-flares are observed with the elements: T (X Max) = 2433158.09 + 41.51d*E. Optical flares are possible. BQ Cru B - V: +1.13, +0.88. BS Cru In the open cluster NGC 4755. BT Cru In the open cluster NGC 4755. BU Cru In the open cluster NGC 4755. BV Cru In the open cluster NGC 4755. BW Cru In the open cluster NGC 4755. DU Cru The identification with NSV 06012 (SIMBAD) is wrong. bet Cru VB A (B 11.4m, 44.3", 322deg; C 7.5m, 372", 23deg). Interferometric binary. Multiple periods (the total V amplitudes of corresponding oscillations are indicated in brackets): P0 = 0.2365072d (0.034m), P1 = 0.160466d (0.029m), P2 = 0.121383d (0.01m), P02 = 0.249373d (0.016m), P13 = 0.24273d (0.024m), P24 = 0.23931d (0.028m), P03 = 0.16342d (0.016m), P14 = 0.16171d (0.029m). tet 2 Cru SB (P = 3.4380d). BCEPS, P > 1h? [08420]. lam Cru Type ELL with P = 0.7902d is possible. Amplitude and shape of the light curve vary. The secondary oscillation (A = 0.007m) with the elements Max = 2441779.034 + 0.1793d*E is possible.