Authors: Rettig T. W. and Walsh K.
Year: 2002
Title: BVR Color Survey of the Jovian Irregular Satellites
Journal: American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting
Volume: 34
Pages: 14.14
Keywords: Jupiter, faint, planetology, Uranus, reduction, observation
Abstract: BVR colors and magnitudes are presented for four Jovian irregular prograde satellites (Himalia J6, Elara J7, Lysithea J10 and Leda J13) and four irregular retrograde satellites (Pasiphae J8, Sinope J9, Carme J11 and Ananke J12). All eight have generally `solar' colors but the retrograde group has slightly redder and more diverse colors. The strikingly similar colors of the four prograde satellites suggests the parent planetesimal was likely very homogeneous. The four retrograde satellites show diversity in color that suggests a heterogeneous progenitor and thus, variations in pre-capture formation history. The absolute magnitudes and revised diameters are presented. We also report new colors and diameters for two Uranian irregular satellites (Caliban (S/1997 U1) and Sycorax (S/1997 U2)). The Uranian satellite colors are slightly redder than the eight Jovian satellites studied.
%F: AA(University of Notre Dame), AB(University of Maryland)
Bibliogaphic Code: 2002DPS....34.1414R

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