IAU 100

11 February 2019 SAI, 12:30

Workshop "Women and Girls in Astronomy"

Within the framework of the United Nations International Day of "Women and Girls in Science"

Click here to see the map.


The announcement of official results of contest for women-astronomers, students of Sternberg Astronomical Institute of Moscow State University

The winner is Dr. Zhanna Rodionova

Exhibition of books, manuals, catalogues prepared by women-astronomers of Sternberg Astronomical Institute in different years (hall in front of the library)

Exhibition of posters presented by women-astronomers of Sternberg Astronomical Institute at the different conferences during the last year (first floor)

Tea — Coffee party


Provided by T. Birulya and V. Esipov


Contact us

Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Universitetskiy av. 13, Moscow 119234, Russia